I certainly agree that conversions of these largely empty buildings is better than having empty buildings at risk of neglect or demo, that being said I think we need to be realistic that these conversions to residential are not going to give downtown crossing the jolt it needs. Office workers occupied these class b and c buildings at much higher density than potential residential occupants. Office workers often leave the office every day to grab a cup a coffee, grab lunch and sometimes a happy hour drink or two. When you convert to residential the number of people who occupy a given building is much less when used as office space and my guess is that officer workers were spending a lot more money daily at surrounding businesses for coffee, lunch and drinks than full time residents ever will. Mixed use (i.e., more residential) is healthier and more sustainable in the long run for downtown, but it's not going to be an economic replacement for the loss of office workers, post Covid, and their spending habits for the foreseeable future.