The Official MBTA System Map

View attachment 54352
First full, essentially final draft, with the exception of mistakes because I'm sure there are plenty.

And one more for the park minimalists:
View attachment 54353
I will say I prefer the fewer parks version. Also, i don't know if it's just a symptom of WiP, or if it is intentional to accommodate the bus lines / other routes but the relationship between station name and it's dot seems... Rather inconsistent, across the map and it caught my eye immediately, and is particularly noticeable on the E branch.

As far as ferries go, the Lynn and Quincy routes do technically have numbers - F5 and F6 respectively. I get that they're the seasonal routes, but it feels odd for them to not have the bubble. Perhaps a lower saturation to indicate seasonality? Also, I feel if you want the ferry inset, it needs more detail to be useful for wayfinding - there's not enough context there to know where the stop actually is. I'd say it needs the harborwalk path, in scope roads and building silhouettes if you go down that path.

That said, I generally question the need for an ferry inset - a schematic map isn't intended for you to identify where your stop actually is in the world, just where it is in relation to the system and city at large. Therefore, I'd almost rather see three separate dots representing the waterfront ferry terminals, without the inset. It just feels like doesn't provide the amount of informational value relative to the amount of space it takes up. I'd almost rather that inset show the geographically accurate relationship of station stops downtown.

And Edit; Any reason to leave out the Winter St. Concourse? I know it's not the most useful piece of infrastructure, but still.
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or if it is intentional to accommodate the bus lines / other routes but the relationship between station name and it's dot seems... Rather inconsistent, across the map and it caught my eye immediately, and is particularly noticeable on the E branch.
I try to keep them consistent where I can, but parts of the map make that rather challenging. The 39/57 are probably the worst to deal with. Particularly on the B branch keeping the labels in the same spot makes it harder to tell which stop is which, especially where the 47 crosses at BU Central. There is no good solution here and I've attempted to come up with the one that's the least bad but ultimately that's subjective.
As far as ferries go, the Lynn and Quincy routes do technically have numbers - F5 and F6 respectively. I get that they're the seasonal routes, but it feels odd for them to not have the bubble.
You're right, I couldn't find those while I was making the map but if you google "MBTA F5" they do come up, although only on the Wikipedia page (Which isn't totally consistent) and the "Beginner's Guide to the Ferry" official page.
Therefore, I'd almost rather see three separate dots representing the waterfront ferry terminals, without the inset.
3 dots already gets pretty crowded around downtown, and adding a fourth for the seasonal East Boston ferry is just not possible. That's the main problem the inset is trying to solve, not necessarily a need to navigate accurately to each ferry pier. You're right that a bit more information there might be good, some streets/buildings and the harborwalk, but I don't really want to go overboard.
I try to keep them consistent where I can, but parts of the map make that rather challenging. The 39/57 are probably the worst to deal with. Particularly on the B branch keeping the labels in the same spot makes it harder to tell which stop is which, especially where the 47 crosses at BU Central. There is no good solution here and I've attempted to come up with the one that's the least bad but ultimately that's subjective.
That's totally fair - the constraints of the information you're trying to show drives compromises. (Also, I just realized that you might want to double check your text generation - it's seemingly got a random baseline, especially around lowercase "a"s and "o"s. See Boston Landing, where the B and L are out line with the rest of it, or Harvard, where the as decend below the baseline.)
You're right, I couldn't find those while I was making the map but if you google "MBTA F5" they do come up, although only on the Wikipedia page (Which isn't totally consistent) and the "Beginner's Guide to the Ferry" official page.
The T admittedly doesn't use them consistently, but they appear on the PDF versions of the schedules.
3 dots already gets pretty crowded around downtown, and adding a fourth for the seasonal East Boston ferry is just not possible. That's the main problem the inset is trying to solve, not necessarily a need to navigate accurately to each ferry pier. You're right that a bit more information there might be good, some streets/buildings and the harborwalk, but I don't really want to go overboard.
Fair enough - I do think you could fit three conjoined dots, or just eliminate them and simplify to the lozenges you are already showing in the area around waterfront ferry terminals - just add a slash in them for the additional routes.

Also, idk if you caught the edit, but Winter St Concourse? It's not the best piece of T infrastructure, but it is technically an available post paid transfer.
(Also, I just realized that you might want to double check your text generation - it's seemingly got a random baseline, especially around lowercase "a"s and "o"s. See Boston Landing, where the B and L are out line with the rest of it, or Harvard, where the as decend below the baseline.)
ugh, I thought I fixed that. It renders correctly in Illustrator but not when it's exported so it might be an issue with the Helvetica font I downloaded, I'll try a different one and hope that fixes it for good.
Fair enough - I do think you could fit three conjoined dots,
I should have clarified, the dots themselves aren't the problem, it's the amount of text and the spaghetti of dotted lines.
Also, idk if you caught the edit, but Winter St Concourse? It's not the best piece of T infrastructure, but it is technically an available post paid transfer.
oops, can't say I didn't warn about mistakes.
ugh, I thought I fixed that. It renders correctly in Illustrator but not when it's exported so it might be an issue with the Helvetica font I downloaded, I'll try a different one and hope that fixes it for good.

I agree it's probably something to do with the font, though if that doesn't fix it I've sometimes managed to fix Illustrator font-rendering issues with the "create outlines" function to convert the text to objects, I think Illustrator has less trouble rendering those consistently.
Fixed the major issues (And some minor ones):
  • Englewood Ave and Dean Rd are now the right way around
  • Winter St Concourse has been added
  • The 12 is now more accurate around Nubian, although unfortunately also uglier
  • Added both phases of Columbus Ave bus lanes, BHA doesn't have the stops finalized yet so it will have to wait.
  • Added F3, F5, and F6 blobs
  • Cut back on the parks
  • The font is still broken on higher resolution exports but 72 ppi works fine for some reason.
