USM | Portland

It looks like USM is really investing in their new graduate center in the Old Port by leasing almost the entirety of the former CIEE building. They now have almost 170,000 SF of space in that building and have the option to purchase. It seems like they’re also investing quite a bit in renovating and refurbishing the interior of the building to fit its new purpose.

“The goal of the Maine Center expansion is to create a "world-class interdisciplinary graduate center and innovation hub…
The expanded center would support four functions, according to the presentation:
  • Core interdisciplinary graduate degrees and programs, comprising the three schools and offerings from the University of Maine College of Engineering and Computing;
  • Professional development and executive education, responding to needs from Maine industries, the workforce and business leaders;
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation, providing resources to advance research, development, product commercialization and ultimately economic development
  • Convening and knowledge-sharing, through hosting events, scholars, leaders and others to address Maine's challenges”

What does the city/county/state need to do (continue to do?) to support students - particularly in entrepreneurship and innovation - after they graduate? Between this and Roux, it would be nice to have an environment where graduate, create, and build businesses in the area. I know there is a lack of industrial space, stuff that could be used for developing, manufacturing, warehousing. Will there be enough office space?
What does the city/county/state need to do (continue to do?) to support students - particularly in entrepreneurship and innovation - after they graduate? Between this and Roux, it would be nice to have an environment where graduate, create, and build businesses in the area. I know there is a lack of industrial space, stuff that could be used for developing, manufacturing, warehousing. Will there be enough office space?
It would be the state; the city has few resources other than TIF districts and possibly acting as a conduit for Washington money, and the county is rarely a relevant level of government for anything in New England.
It would be nice to see Corey and his camera all over this when it opens. The arch firm is noted (international).

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The below linked article was written by one of the principals of Elkus Manfredi, one of the most prestigious arch firms in the world. Six inches of mud in the cafeteria? Talk about a low point.

In late September 2019, 7,300 commuter students were settling into their routines at the University of Southern Maine (USM) in Portland, where the academic year had just begun. Then, at the end of the month, a fire main broke beneath the repurposed industrial building serving as the student center, flooding it with six inches of mud. City officials declared the building uninhabitable, leaving USM suddenly without a student center.

And with the Crew Center completion, this little university will be punching well above its weight. It's well deserved. The accomplished and respected actor Tony Shalhoub thinks so too. Onward. I'd still like to see a giant new biotech centered building on the campus to beef up that program.
The below linked article was written by one of the principals of Elkus Manfredi, one of the most prestigious arch firms in the world. Six inches of mud in the cafeteria? Talk about a low point.

In late September 2019, 7,300 commuter students were settling into their routines at the University of Southern Maine (USM) in Portland, where the academic year had just begun. Then, at the end of the month, a fire main broke beneath the repurposed industrial building serving as the student center, flooding it with six inches of mud. City officials declared the building uninhabitable, leaving USM suddenly without a student center.

And with the Crew Center completion, this little university will be punching well above its weight. It's well deserved. The accomplished and respected actor Tony Shalhoub thinks so too. Onward. I'd still like to see a giant new biotech centered building on the campus to beef up that program.
It's going to take a lot more than completing the new music school for USM to punch above its weight. It is moving in the right direction finally but has a long way to go.
Prediction - The chances of new major science related construction on the USM campus are close to zero. You may get a renovated lab here or there but the system will only want to strengthen the R1 designation of Orono not do anything to diminish. And with the real possibility of a medical school being located on the Orono campus science related dollars will continue to flow there. The systems 5 year capital plan spells this out pretty clearly.
It's going to take a lot more than completing the new music school for USM to punch above its weight. It is moving in the right direction finally but has a long way to go.
Well, I think I have to somewhat disagree with that. This new school will create additional interest in other university facets.

Graduates of the Osher School of Music excel nationally and internationally. Our alumni hold music leadership positions throughout the country, serve as top-rated professors, and perform at world-renowned institutions such as the New York Metropolitan Opera (the Met) and the Lyric Opera of Chicago. We proudly count Grammy winners among our instrumentalist alumni, and many graduates continue their studies at major universities and conservatories including: Yale University, New York University, and the New England Conservatory of Music. The Osher School of Music continually strives to shape accomplished professionals ready to lead, perform, and innovate.

Okay, that's their OLD website speak, but I can't give you the exact count with award totals; but I'd bet it's near a dozen Grammys won by students and faculty. Bob Ludwig has 13 Grammys and I'm betting once the new building opens for classes and performances that he will be stopping by to say hi (and perhaps more). He's been Mastering in his studio next to the Westin/Eastland for years. He's an icon, and Springsteen has appeared for sessions and the two will have lunch in town. Drew Taggart (The Chainsmokers) won a Grammy last year or was it the year prior to that? He's from Freeport. He's more than a mere DJ. And Amy Allen is sure to win at least two at this year's Grammys (she grew up in Windham). True, these three Maine music phenoms did not go to the USM school of music, but the new building will be state of the art, the newest school building designed specifically for music in the nation (or for a bit, anyway). Music education can make a school a favored international destination. Look at Berklee and the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston as an example. Many students from around the country and the world attend. Nearly all were talented musicians prior. This is not the case for a degree in teaching or accounting or one in literature. Anyone can do that. People want to come to Maine, or Southern Maine. A new state of the art facility whether it's this or tech or medicine seems to attract new people to town, and I'm assuming this time it will be no different. And having fixed the disaster core of the campus with brilliant architecture, definitely. Architecture is a lot more than how a building looks--it can substantially improve the human experience and that spells F-U-N. That's what the Elkus Manfredi principal is saying in his article. I would place a bet that on their new little stage (seats 200), that within a year of opening you will see someone of great talent and prominence appear on it. Taylor Swift was at Becky's Diner for lunch a few years ago. You think her little ego would not want to appear in the aforementioned context? Showing off before other talented musicians in a semi-private one? She's interested in a lot more than just money (BTW, Amy wrote a song for Harry Styles, Taylor's now scorned ex). They aren't going to Gorham, that's for sure. Prepare for some greatness. The little school that could is chugging along nicely now and will make another exciting turn this August. Oh, buy a fixer-upper across the street--ka ching, ka ching.
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I don’t want to knock the arts but I struggle to get excited about a $63 million “investment” in a 200 seat performance hall and building where 99% of the graduates will be the future music and art teachers in Maine’s K-12 schools. Given USM raised most of the funds privately for this good for them and it will make a nice addition to campus. Looking forward to Taylors visit!
I would not expect older folks to understand my argument. The residual effect and capitalization from a new school like this is part of the new dynamic today. Those 99% of graduates are all dreaming of being the next Taylor Swift, and they are, or on their Instagram and TikTok pages (followers). It's a new world now, and one COMPLETELY different than the one of just a few years ago. Already in my business (media) I'm seeing supplemental content being created with A.I. and it's concerning and scary. It's the present and the future we should be concerned with, not the past. The past does not exist. It's only in our minds. This new music school will create additional investment and opportunities. Sure, the rich lady who donated money to it so she could have her weird book arts (an oxymoron) on display at the school won't add much. But neither does the map museum in that great space near the library. But Osher loved and collected maps so there. It was a catalyst. Let's circle back a year from now and I will list all or many of the beneficial consequences from this build. Yes, I do want that new science building for biotech purposes. I'd have built that first, but the book arts lady started it all with her overture.
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Taylor Swift was at Becky's Diner for lunch a few years ago.
Just to be pedantic about this: Taylor and her crew had filmed a music video in Kennebunk(port?), at the church the Bush's used to attend. They arrived at Becky's shortly after 10pm closing, begging to be fed since that was the only place that even still had its lights on. Becky, quite sensibly (given the number of well-heeled guests and Taylor's known lack of stinginess), said yes.

Personally, I do not believe this will result in Taytay doing an intimate performance for the USM Music majors. I would love to be proven wrong.
Just to be pedantic about this: Taylor and her crew had filmed a music video in Kennebunk(port?), at the church the Bush's used to attend. They arrived at Becky's shortly after 10pm closing, begging to be fed since that was the only place that even still had its lights on. Becky, quite sensibly (given the number of well-heeled guests and Taylor's known lack of stinginess), said yes.

Personally, I do not believe this will result in Taytay doing an intimate performance for the USM Music majors. I would love to be proven wrong.
Taylor Swift is more likely to show up in Bangor than Portland to do any performances.

Regarding UMaine and USM.....they are both moving in positive directions. And I believe both have focus and differentiation now that was much needed in a state with limited resources. UMaine is the science, engineering and ag school going forward.....USM is the arts, political science and law school going forward. Both make a lot of sense.
Just to be pedantic about this: Taylor and her crew had filmed a music video in Kennebunk(port?), at the church the Bush's used to attend. They arrived at Becky's shortly after 10pm closing, begging to be fed since that was the only place that even still had its lights on. Becky, quite sensibly (given the number of well-heeled guests and Taylor's known lack of stinginess), said yes.

Personally, I do not believe this will result in Taytay doing an intimate performance for the USM Music majors. I would love to be proven wrong.
Some of the video was shot in Cape Elizabeth and at the time she was dating a guy/boy who grew up there. But she is impulsive, doing what she wants. Some big acts will play small places (bars) unannounced (Springsteen and Gaga do or have). Southern and mid-coastal Maine for half the year now is a popular destination. A lot more is on the way, and cruise ship visits are going up and the types that are more luxurious too (European).
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Well, I think I have to somewhat disagree with that. This new school will create additional interest in other university facets.

Graduates of the Osher School of Music excel nationally and internationally. Our alumni hold music leadership positions throughout the country, serve as top-rated professors, and perform at world-renowned institutions such as the New York Metropolitan Opera (the Met) and the Lyric Opera of Chicago. We proudly count Grammy winners among our instrumentalist alumni, and many graduates continue their studies at major universities and conservatories including: Yale University, New York University, and the New England Conservatory of Music. The Osher School of Music continually strives to shape accomplished professionals ready to lead, perform, and innovate.

Okay, that's their OLD website speak, but I can't give you the exact count with award totals; but I'd bet it's near a dozen Grammys won by students and faculty. Bob Ludwig has 13 Grammys and I'm betting once the new building opens for classes and performances that he will be stopping by to say hi (and perhaps more). He's been Mastering in his studio next to the Westin/Eastland for years. He's an icon, and Springsteen has appeared for sessions and the two will have lunch in town. Drew Taggart (The Chainsmokers) won a Grammy last year or was it the year prior to that? He's from Freeport. He's more than a mere DJ. And Amy Allen is sure to win at least two at this year's Grammys (she grew up in Windham). True, these three Maine music phenoms did not go to the USM school of music, but the new building will be state of the art, the newest school building designed specifically for music in the nation (or for a bit, anyway). Music education can make a school a favored international destination. Look at Berklee and the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston as an example. Many students from around the country and the world attend. Nearly all were talented musicians prior. This is not the case for a degree in teaching or accounting or one in literature. Anyone can do that. People want to come to Maine, or Southern Maine. A new state of the art facility whether it's this or tech or medicine seems to attract new people to town, and I'm assuming this time it will be no different. And having fixed the disaster core of the campus with brilliant architecture, definitely. Architecture is a lot more than how a building looks--it can substantially improve the human experience and that spells F-U-N. That's what the Elkus Manfredi principal is saying in his article. I would place a bet that on their new little stage (seats 200), that within a year of opening you will see someone of great talent and prominence appear on it. Taylor Swift was at Becky's Diner for lunch a few years ago. You think her little ego would not want to appear in the aforementioned context? Showing off before other talented musicians in a semi-private one? She's interested in a lot more than just money (BTW, Amy wrote a song for Harry Styles, Taylor's now scorned ex). They aren't going to Gorham, that's for sure. Prepare for some greatness. The little school that could is chugging along nicely now and will make another exciting turn this August. Oh, buy a fixer-upper across the street--ka ching, ka ching.
As a former professional musician, this can be said of many schools of music around the country.
As a former professional musician, this can be said of many schools of music around the country.
It's realistic that perhaps Portland area resident Amy Allen can help with recruiting, showing up for a tutorial or two. Why wouldn't she? Her band was playing casual dates in Portland a few years ago. She says in her Grammys awards speech tonight for non-classical songwriter of the year, "The child in me that was starting writing songs when I was little in Maine..." Only one person in the world gets this award. It's definitely a teachable craft, unlike performing today of which may require a substantial gifted by God appearance.
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