Brand new video and it's actually present day and not replaying the same clips from 5 years ago. The skyline and city as a whole look absolutely amazing here. Best video to date and I watch all of them. Incredible that this is Boston.
I've listened to the first two episodes so far, and they are VERY good and informative.Thanks for sending, I wasn't aware of this series despite being a pretty big podcast listener. Just finished Episode 1 and the narrator does a really great job of walking through the history of the failed Inner Belt and Southwest Expressway. Looking forward to the rest!
This video was recommended to me and you dont see many development based videos about Boston so I clicked on it and was pleasantly surprised to see a very well made video dedicated to current development projects going on around Boston. Unfortunately this seems to be a one off and her channel is not development based, but either way nice to see. I wish there was a youtuber who had a whole channel dedicated to Boston development, maybe one day. Either way nice video with lots of good drone shots of parcel 12 and other buildings.
This video was recommended to me and you dont see many development based videos about Boston so I clicked on it and was pleasantly surprised to see a very well made video dedicated to current development projects going on around Boston. Unfortunately this seems to be a one off and her channel is not development based, but either way nice to see. I wish there was a youtuber who had a whole channel dedicated to Boston development, maybe one day. Either way nice video with lots of good drone shots of parcel 12 and other buildings.
Eliminate the annoying realtor and their annoying, incredibly redundant sales patter and the annoying graphics and only preserve the drone footage and then maybe you've got something worth watching!![]()
Good video. Obviously the "renewal" of the West End should have been done surgically, replacing those few buildings here and there that were beyond the pale, and rehabbing the rest. The Federal urban renewal policies of the time, however, did not provide funding for this type of rehab/spot replacement, but only funded mass demolition of entire neighborhoods. Many of the Federal policies of the 50s and 60s were anti-urban and destructive, including this policy plus the funding and development of commuter expressways, and the easy availability of cheap loans for suburban single family homes. Also, of course, the suburban towns got into the act with restrictive low-density residential-only zoning of vast tracts of land. All of these policies enabled and promoted the "white flight" from the city to the suburbs. So, Boston was left behind to an extent, and I remember at the time that the Charles River Park luxury apartments (replacing the old West End) was being touted as a way to get some of the suburbanites back to the city.
Well, holy cow: little before my time but somehow I've never heard this story.