That last building that was demolished is the 180 Third Avenue development.The girlfriend gets bloodwork done at MGH West so I find myself out here with time to kill...
The old Polaroid campus
Route 128 veterans will recall this disco era structure
Here it is in 1987 courtesy of an MIT photo collection
It was demolished last year and a 5-story office building is going up in its place
Also the former IDC building...
Is no more
Bye bye quirky postwar buildings!
Saw this when it was u/c and was impressed at what was clearly going to be vastly improved bike / park amenities. That’s the biggest win of this project I think, but it’s got decent density, too.The edison on the charles that burnt down mid construction a couple years ago has been rebuilt and is now wrapped up. Came out great imo.
Is there a good way to properly urbanize this area or due the highways and topography basically rule that out?
Is there a good way to properly urbanize this area or due the highways and topography basically rule that out?
it is so far down the office-park path that urbanizing this would be a century-long process.
Looks nice but that massive garage better be to support future future phases
That's the problem with Waltham... you'd have to expect most of your workforce is driving there.
Looks nice but that massive garage better be to support future future phases