highlander, certain street names have a connotation. One expects a university to be near University Ave, a railway near Railroad Ave., an aqueduct near Aqueduct St., an aerodrome near Airport Drive, a body of water near Bayview Lane, etc.
Stel -- you've got to remember that this is Boston ... over 400 years of change things change -- so that School Street did once house the first and at the time only School -- later it should have been renamed:
City Hall St. -- ole Boston City Hall
Fire Alarm Telegraph St -- site of the world's first Fire Alarm Telegraph HQ -- there is a plaque on a post signifying such
more recently
French Restaurant Street for it long time home of the Maison Robert -- later perhaps Steakhouse Row
Exeter Place -- now history -- should have been renamed Telephone Lab Way -- for the lab where Mr. Watson was called for by Professor Bell
Court Street -- once included a court -- but it lost that distinction and could have been renamed Telegraph Manufactury Lane for the Charles Williams Co. and later it could have been renamed Telephone Manufactury Blvd. -- or perhaps Millionaire's Row -- for the same Charles Williams who as the maker of phone equipment for the American Bell Telephone Co. became the worlds first Telecommunications Millionaire and retired to Bermuda
King Street once the road to the seat of Colonial Power -- got renamed State Street when we converted the building into the old State House and dispensed with the symbols of the British Monarchy -- since restored for Tourist Value
Here are a few quandaries for the Forum members
1) what makes Federal Street Federal
2) what is a Battery March
3) Why does there appear to be neither a point or a Fort associated with Fort Point