What does your board name mean?


Senior Member
Jul 21, 2007
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This is not an exercise in existentialism. I've been wondering (in a friendly way) about the meaning of some names folks post under and why they were chosen. Some speak for themselves, JAK and Ned Flaherty come to mind, or Kent Xie (ex-DFX).

Mine? Toby for my dog, who is wiser than me because he neither speaks nor writes. Jug because I like to drink heavily, and Tobyjug is shorter than TobyTequila or TobySingleMaltScotch.

How about you?
Palindrome is a word smelled the same way backwards. I thought it sounded cool in the sixth grade so i used in as a handle in counterstrike and then carried it over to forums.

Who, of course, was named after:


(At least that's how I justify a Boston connection)
So that's what Vanshnookenraggen means?
Palindrome is a word smelled the same way backwards. I thought it sounded cool in the sixth grade so i used in as a handle in counterstrike and then carried it over to forums.

This made me laugh.
i can never quite figure out what's going on in your avatar
i can never quite figure out what's going on in your avatar

My avatar is an emblem of my worldview. Much of my thinking about the insanity of the modern world is informed by Coppola's Apocalypse Now. I find Brando's Col. Walter E. Kurtz among the most fascinating characters in all of cinema.

Cap. Willard (Martin Sheen) has this to say:
"Never get out of the boat. Absolutely goddamn right. Unless you were goin' all the way. Kurtz got off the boat. He split from the whole fuckin' program."​
Kurtz's thoughts on authority:
"You're an errand boy sent by grocery clerks....to collect a bill."​
And on the absurdity of trying to govern the morality of those you're asking to kill in your name:
"We train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write "fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene!"​

Perhaps I should see a therapist.

Ed Harris in "Pollock"?

That would be a good one. He's also brilliant as Maj. K?nig in Enemy at the Gates.
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My original name was "IAMANGRY". Its origin was that I read some newspaper once (it may have been the National Enquirer, even) and there was some made up letter to the editor and it was signed, "I.M. Angry" which I thought hilarious, for some reason.

I wrote a couple of entries that I was embarrassed about (can't remember but I think I acted immature about something) so I changed my name to Jimbo Jones. Origin, obvious.

Then I decided to be myself so I could take ownership of my comments, even though I see no problem in using "handles". That's what the internet is all about.

Ned Flaherty wrote a letter to the editor in South End News where he ridiculed me for using a fake name and having had multiple board names, as if there was something nefarious or childish about it. He was successful in embarrassing me.
mine's too easy! Boston cause I live in Boston, 02124 is my Dorchester zip code for the past 24 yrs and it's a shorter version of my regular e-mail adress
I thought it sounded cool in the sixth grade so i used in as a handle in counterstrike and then carried it over to forums.

Hah, so I'm not the only one with an old gaming handle...cept that mine doesn't exactly translate well onto an architecture forum. It's from a dark time in my life (circa 2002) when I was addicted to a certain Warcraft III. Joined a "clan" called "bltz", and chose "blade" for its alliterative properties.
Kennedy, because I'm secretly heir to a seat in the U.S. Senate. Oh, and it's just my last name.
Scott is my favorite brand of bathroom tissue.
It's the hardest consonant cluster to pronounce in Polish, and a really veiled reference to my name.
On most forums I go by my real name, but by the time I signed up for this one I started thinking that perhaps it wasnt the best idea... J.A.S (initials) = Jass because its more of a word (pronounced Jazz)
