Re: 111 Federal St. | Formerly Trans National Place (Winthrop Square) Part 2
Im sharing these not to have anything to do with accordia at all but purely as massing models that we do not have from millennium. Just to give an idea of the peaks/sight lines a tower of this height will create, just imagine this as millennium. Its good to see that it breaks the 1ip plane from the water. Im not derailing the thread please dont go off about accordia im just sharing these as massing models so in your head you know what to expect with millennium. This is the best we can do till downburst gives us some new models in the future skyline thread. The view from south station will be especially dramatic as well. Depending on if people decide to whine/derail the thread Ill just edit them all so they look like millenniums mass. I shouldnt have to though just use your imagination.
Stick from the above mock-ups and Google Maps it looks as though to hit the Common the shadow has to be at least about 2000 ft long and nearly from the east
so when do we find such a condition?
How about March 23?
just after the vernal equinox -- nice spring morning @ 7:00 AM EDST [just been in effect for about 2 weeks] the sun is just 2.8 degrees above the eastern horizon -- the shaddow if it can hit the common unimpeded will cross between the visitors center and the Parkman bandstand and keep going across the Charles [twice] and end up in Alston
April 4th -- that's going to give us a good crack at east -- and at 7:15 AM EDST the sun is at 9.5 degrees and the shaddow is long enough to reach all the way to Beacon St.
at 7:45 AM EDST on that day the sun is now high enough that the tip of the shadow now hits the Frogg Pond and its swung around by about 3 degrees -- translating to moving toward the State House by about 150 ft
at 8:45 AM EDST the shadow is somewhere around the Millennium Tower too short to reach the Common and 15 degrees around from the original location
if we try later in the year say May 15th @ 7:22 AM EDST the tip of the shaddow is directed toward the Parkman Bandstand but just touches the edge of the Common.
Still later toward the solstice say June 10th @ 6:55 AM EDST the tip of the shaddow might fall on the Old Granny Burying Ground
Finally on the Solstice the @ 6:45 AM EDST the tip of the shadow will be between the Colonial Theatre and the Boylston St. T Head House
So -- yes it looks like if you want to find times when there is a shaddow on the Common you can -- however in every case its early in the morning and it changes very rapidly
In fact you could define a fairly good scavenger hunt game by chasing the shadow across well known points of interest, etc. -- perhaps a Pokemon like game