Liberty Mutual Tower | 157 Berkeley Street | Back Bay

Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

I reserve final judgment until the facade is done and the building is complete, but I am beginning to think that the Fatiron may turn out better than I had feared based on the stilted perspective renderings. Obviously it's not anyone's fault that the site isn't a more acute angle ... and while the distorted sketches unhelpfully exaggerated the angle, they also didn't make clear (to me at least) that the curve of the building would be more pronounced than it needed to be on both ends where it abuts existing buildings on Stuart and Berkeley. The net impact is to reduce the bulk a bit and add a touch of visual interest to the corners.

Of course the remaining important questions are 1) the streetscape and the impact of the gerbil tube - will it be as monotonous permanently deadening along Columbus and Stuart as we fear? and 2) the materials and finishes, which are difficult to visualize from the mock-ups. At least Liberty Mutual has cash, so we can hope that there won't be a bunch of ugly last minute value engineering as there was on Rawn's W Hotel ... and it doesn't befit an insurer to project an air of chintz ... so I'm optimistic on the latter. I'm most worried about streetscape.

It is irritating that the biggest concerns I often have about new projects involve relatively modest issues on which the BRA should "have our backs." The difference between good and halfway decent interaction with the street shouldn't make a huge impact to the economics of a building like this, but the BRA never seems to sweat these details. Or, frankly, even to realize they matter.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Obviously it's not anyone's fault that the site isn't a more acute angle

But they could have tapered it and added height to make up the difference, giving it more elegant, slim proportions...
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Could be the start of the future Boston TIMES Square.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Could be the start of the future Boston TIMES Square.

Sure, lets just saturate the area with chain restaurants who have higher prices than normal locations like NYC's Times Square has and we'll be all set.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Could be the start of the future Boston TIMES Square.

Times Sq. -- was a busy place because the New York Times newspaper was located there -- Insurance Companies don't project the same level of interaction wih the street as does a newspaper with an outside ticker. The rest of Times Square came along later.

Boston had the same kind of location with the Christian Science Publications building where they also had Monitor Radio -- but nothing developed beyond the Monitor in the area.

I keep waiting for one of the major TV Stations to decide to move and make a big downtown presence -- such as near to the Herald in the SPID -- but it hasn't happened yet and shows no signs of it happening. The closest we came was when WNAC (Ch 7) built their new studio at Government Center I thought it might develop further the immediate surroundings -- but nothing. Same with fox25 on Beacon St. -- perhaps too small a presence with the big investment in Dedham near Rt-128.

We did of course get the fancy image board on the Pike for WGBH -- but some regulation limited the board to still to keep Pike drivers from becoming more distracted.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Times Sq. -- was a busy place because the New York Times newspaper was located there -- Insurance Companies don't project the same level of interaction wih the street as does a newspaper with an outside ticker. The rest of Times Square came along later.

Boston had the same kind of location with the Christian Science Publications building where they also had Monitor Radio -- but nothing developed beyond the Monitor in the area.
Where was this located? Was it at the CS Plaza? If so, I can't see the area ever having become Times Square-like. Just doesn't have the right look and feel. It is much more of a St. Peters in Rome sort of vibe.
I keep waiting for one of the major TV Stations to decide to move and make a big downtown presence -- such as near to the Herald in the SPID -- but it hasn't happened yet and shows no signs of it happening. The closest we came was when WNAC (Ch 7) built their new studio at Government Center I thought it might develop further the immediate surroundings -- but nothing. Same with fox25 on Beacon St. -- perhaps too small a presence with the big investment in Dedham near Rt-128.

We did of course get the fancy image board on the Pike for WGBH -- but some regulation limited the board to still to keep Pike drivers from becoming more distracted.

The WGBH image board would be fantastic for a downtown building overlooking a plaza. To me, the Times Square comparison that keeps cropping up with Statler plaza or whatever it's called, is mostly an environmental similarity. You have the diagonal street crossing through, you have buildings of decent height and density arrayed around it, and you are a short distance from the theater district. But I agree, it can't get the same vibe without something else to draw people in. And an office building is not the something else.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Where was this located? Was it at the CS Plaza? If so, I can't see the area ever having become Times Square-like. Just doesn't have the right look and feel. It is much more of a St. Peters in Rome sort of vibe.

The WGBH image board would be fantastic for a downtown building overlooking a plaza. To me, the Times Square comparison that keeps cropping up with Statler plaza or whatever it's called, is mostly an environmental similarity. You have the diagonal street crossing through, you have buildings of decent height and density arrayed around it, and you are a short distance from the theater district. But I agree, it can't get the same vibe without something else to draw people in. And an office building is not the something else.

Easy. Put a Lego Store, a Disney Store, a Bowling Alley, a/some foreign & rare exotic clothing store that appeals to people from the age of 15-35, and a video game arcade (can go with the bowling alley) to go along with a television station. Maybe a theater too. Then add the lights and advertisements with a small plaza in the middle and the area will be bouncing.

Oh and some typical tourist stuff such as souvenir/plushie shop(s).

Would be great to add the ESPN zone too.

To add all this however, they'll probably have to level a block or two.
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Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Keep dreaming. None of those things will happen. Bay Village won't stand for it, our sleepy Mayor doesn't see the value in it, and the real estate for these things isnt there. We've got Davios, Smith and Wollensky, and a new high end restaurant going to 100 Arlington. Above all of these things is corporate offices and residential. This isn't NY and it never will be.

There was a time when this area was actually known for nightlife, with the clubs in Bay Village and along Stuart Street. They've been pushed out, one by one and they aren't coming back.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Just because the streets intersect in the same way, I wouldnt aim for Times Sq. as the goal. The place is unique with the castle and being Hopefully they can do something about the parking at the plaza to make it more pedestrian oriented. Just needs a little more diverse activity. Maybe liberty mutual (the people not the building will bring that)
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

I have been driving by below on the pike and had not seen the project from this angle, thanks
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Well, there is one place that can easily support this, and this place happens to be in need of a drastic makeover.

You should know where I'm referring to.

Yup DTX. The intersection of Washington St. and Summer St. is where the advertisement, and lights go. All the empty storefront can support the amenities I mentioned (arcade, lego store, disney store, bowling alley, etc). There's already a food court at the Corner Mall (which I might add, needs an entire make over because that place is as ghetto as it gets). Get rid of all the less than desirable stores (such as all those cell phone for cash exchange etc.) and put in the rare, foreign, exotic clothing store + souvenir shop. Add the television studio into the new Filene's tower. Put ESPN Zone in Hayward Place. Add restuarants into the empty storefronts at Lafayette Place.

Best if they can upscale the area a little bit so it would attract fewer hoodrats.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

The biggest offender on that corner actually isn't the Park Plaza. Sure, they've got all the parking out front, but there's a ton of people out there and street interaction is great with the restaurants, stores, and the hotel entrance there. It's the old Renaissance Charter School building that's got nothing going on for it. It's totally dead. Hopefully that'll change soon though.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

The biggest offender on that corner actually isn't the Park Plaza. Sure, they've got all the parking out front, but there's a ton of people out there and street interaction is great with the restaurants, stores, and the hotel entrance there. It's the old Renaissance Charter School building that's got nothing going on for it. It's totally dead. Hopefully that'll change soon though.

Hey guys I just found this fantastic site that has lots of answers to the questions everyone keeps asking, look through the postings, lots of your questions are answered there. For example here is some info on the charter school:

the reastaurant is Liquid Art House
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

The sun is setting in the north now? Nice homage to Thomas Kinkaid.
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Looks like we're looking to the West down Columbus to me... Isn't North well to the right of this view?
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Yeah, it looks that way at first but it does appear to be looking north/west, with John Hancock building to the left.

Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

Ah I thought I was looking at the wrong corner
Re: Liberty Mutual plans major Boston expansion

from JFK U-Mass
