Four Seasons Tower @ CSC | 1 Dalton Street | Back Bay

It is amazing how they're managing to do so much on such a small site...
This is nothing. Sometimes I don't understand how NYC fits 800 ft tower in plots half the size of this.

Try almost double that. The Steinway Tower in NYC will be over 1400 feet tall and it's on a 60'x80' plot surrounded by already-existing buildings on three sides. Truly a feat of amazing engineering and construction.

The Skyscraper City thread
This is nothing. Sometimes I don't understand how NYC fits 800 ft tower in plots half the size of this.

True, I suppose. I never get a good look at NYC construction sites- only when I visit from time to time.
Try almost double that. The Steinway Tower in NYC will be over 1400 feet tall and it's on a 60'x80' plot surrounded by already-existing buildings on three sides. Truly a feat of amazing engineering and construction.

The Skyscraper City thread
Damn, that's impressive; makes 1 Dalton look like a cake walk.
We're about the 'time to heal a hairline fracture' away from saying 'oh yeah' when we walk by the site. ....Gonna carry the day for the next 14, 16, 18 months while we wait for a dozen highrise projects to break. ....topped before the Pierce is cladded....

and the Lucas, Forecaster, 110 Broad St, or 104 Canal St still won't be done.
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^ That post should come with a NSFW warning. That's straight up construction porn.

EDIT: the post with photos was deleted.
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the post containing the photo to which DD was referring appears to have vanished.
^mods often remove those huge pictures even if most of us like them. Too bad, those were awesome pics
Can we find a way to get those re-posted? Or can someone kindly resize and repost?
