Quaker Lane + Congress Square | Downtown

It's amazing how much this has popped up over the past few weeks. About 2-3 weeks back, someone posted a shot from up high and I couldn't believe there even was a core. Now it's prominent. From the ground, it's super visible from the Washington Mall (right in front of Staples, across from 28 State). Can't miss it.
Is it just me or does this core seem like more than the 7 additional stories it should be?
Is it just me or does this core seem like more than the 7 additional stories it should be?

I think the perspective of the last shot is playing tricks on you. I counted 7 (inc. the floor being finished) from the existing roofline. My guess is that's about it for the core.
Agreed. They've always been two of my favorite buildings in the city. I love that the alleyway is going to be activated very soon.

They're awesome because they're flatirons and flatirons are always awesome, especially such frilly ornamental wonders such as those--suck it, Le Corb!

But they're also awesome because of how they set the line for Downtown Crossing. Driving southbound on Congress St., they come into view right around Faneuil Hall, and come hurtling at you like the prow of a mighty warship. "Here Be Downtown Crossing; Behold & Tremble At Its Mighty Wonder," they proclaim.
Is this project on hold? The view from Pearl Street across Post Office Square (see post directly above) hasn't changed since the core topped out. It looks like that was 2 months ago.
Not an expert here but it's probably a complicated project. I'm not so patient myself but damn you gotta relax a little with these projects. They don't spring up over night
Not an expert here but it's probably a complicated project. I'm not so patient myself but damn you gotta relax a little with these projects. They don't spring up over night

Not an expert either, but it's a pretty busy work site every day. My guess is that a lot of what's going on is blocked from view by the existing facade so you can't see progress like you normally would (cores usually top off well before anything else).
From today (8/17) - you can see the steel going up on the roof! This should start to become visible from the ground in a few weeks.

Looks like the steel is up to the roof-line of the original building

WOW!!! Great shot, Thanks for sharing.
