Hey guys,
So this morning (Saturday) I had the roommate's car and did my 5am Market Basket run. And I drove the SLG route via city streets to how construction is going.
Even in a little as two weeks, there's noticeable progress between 2 weeks ago and now. Chelsea Station now has sidewalks and platforms. The bars for the signage are up. (but no signs).
At Box District, there's now lighting along the pathway, and it looks like planting should happen along it too.
At Eastern Ave, all the sidewalks along Eastern Ave on the side with the new station have all been ripped up. I bet concrete will soon follow and the entire corner's sidewalks (and new station) will be done.
Here's two pictures from today:
The new lights as seen from the Broadway Bridge entrance to the shared use path
New lights and nearly finished pathway near Box District
So yes, Jass, there are new lights along the shared use path.
I'm itchin to take new pics in a week or so because it's rapidly coming along now, but I want to wait for an official tour again and for the trees to get some color. (for nice pictures) So soon.
On a different note, since we're now less than six months from opening... do we want to start to organize a "first ride" together?

I know I will be there, any one else interested in joining me on that inaugural run on this line in the morning?
I can create an EventBrite or Facebook event invite just so we can see interest levels.
On a different, but related note... this was a suggestion from someone on the Chelsea What's Happening Facebook Group. Maybe BEFORE the line opens, MassDOT and the T could open the busway up to the public to walk on. Just to check it out. Similar to what they did for the Zakim when it opens years ago.
A nice PR event for the city, the T, and MassDOT. Would people here be interested in something like too?
I have enough contacts to organize the thing, and I know I could easily get backing from the T and the city (and a few community groups like TND).
Truthfully I'd love win my political seat (I am running for
city council for those who don't know) and organize this. It would just be a great event to do as a new city councilor. But I will do it anyways even if i don't win because it would just be fun to do.
Let me know your thoughts and if you'd be interested in either or both of these events.