Marriott Moxy Hotel | 240 Tremont Street (Parcel P-7A) | Theater District

is there anything due to rise behind the horrid 273' tall spite fence err i mean party wall that makes up this mid-rises fugly pos ass???
is there anything due to rise behind the horrid 273' tall spite fence err i mean party wall that makes up this mid-rises fugly pos ass???

No, unless the Wilbur burns down. Chinatown Parcel 12 is a few buildings down the road. It will hide a lot of views of this from the South, but nothing is likely to ever (in our lifetime) directly abut this wall.
Given the geometry of the blank wall and the building's location in the theater district, this is a prime example of where huge, oversized advertising would be better than the status quo. Create a mini Times Sq like effect. Put something well vetted and visually appealing. Far better than checkered pastels and grays.
it's shocking that human beings would conspire to create this level of morbidity.
Yes, and well earned; added to my adjective list with no joy for construction post 1949. I'm standing pat, as there have been so many projects that have ruined not only the blocks upon which they stand, but dozens of neighboring blocks of the City as well.
Final cladding visible on the lower section of the back side.


Also a few small property line windows.

While I'm not defending the treatment of this facade, I think people are getting carried away and that it actually won't be that bad. I think part of the problem is with the photo which seems oversaturated and does not present an accurate depiction of the colors of the panels. In addition, it won't be very visible from most angles.
Nothing new.

Popular WWI camouflage style called Dazzle. Used less in WWII


Oh no, now we won't know if the building is heading toward or away from us!

I wonder if the intended effect was actually confusing people on this board... 🤔

Seriously though, an actual implementation of a Dazzle camouflage would've been actually interesting and possibly less offensive than this.
It might work well from a distance, but won't from up close (if it can be seen up close.)

The point of dazzle camouflage is not invisibility. It is to confuse the eye as to size, speed and direction. A ship painted in dazzle, one which up close looks preposterous (like our friend here the RMS Olympic) when sailing on the horizon might blend into the haze. Importantly the will be more difficult to track with either the eyeball the optical rangefinders of that day. U Boats were slow, and lucky to get off even one torpedo on a fast target. (The RMS Lusitania had the misfortune of actually steaming right up to the U 20.) Long range gunnery...good luck. (My cousin serving on the HMS Rodney visited the family right after sinking the Bismarck when Rodney came to South Boston for a refit; he said they were holing the Bismarck at almost point blank range.)

Anyhow, we will have to see where the completed party wall can be seen from and what effect it has. I'm skeptical about the use of dazzle camo on a large fixed object likely to be observed at close range!
^Hmmm I like it. Maybe it actually could make this cause an optical illusion on the skyline, maybe this is actually going to be badass. That escalated quickly.... Well just have to wait and find out, this definitely needs to be photographed though, some crazy things could be about to go down here. The back of the tower seems like its really going to be mostly hidden anyways also, but the front of the tower looks great imo. I really like the deep blue glass and this section isnt at capacity with glass boxes. It does have the W next door, but besides that the rest of its neighbors are a lot of precast.
The Treehouse and Zinc have already set the precedent for this and both have blunted the initial "shock of the new" as far as large scale pixelated facades go. The envelope has never been pushed by trying to please everyone.
This morning I noticed the Wellington Maintenance facility expansion has started a pixelated facade pattern on the upper part of the shed facing orange line Inbound platform. I note this here because it is literally the exact same panel scheme and colors as what's going up at Marriott Moxy Hotel. Personally, I like it.
Maybe (hopefully?) it will taper towards less green and more blue as the panel install moves upwards toward the top of the building?
