Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

I saw crews from Yaboo Fence around the GLX today. I guess they decided that this was the best week to ship up to Boston and make some progress.

Was there any update given on an opening date at the T board meeting?
Is there any clear answer of the whenabouts of Medford branch opening? Late summer seems like a vague answer. 🤞
No official word. The rumor mill has repeatedly suggested mid-to-late Sept, if I recall correctly.
You must be new here. Vague answers are what you get from the MBTA. They are usually accurate +/- a year or so.
Yes, definitely new. I lived in Boston for 7 years, but I moved to Medford recently, and was surprised to see Apple Maps already has the green line extending close to my new apartment (which I didn't know existed), then I went into the rabbit hole of the GLX and finally got to this thread. I was hopeful that I'll see it come to life soon. I guess since they started testing it, it is not unreasonable to stay hopeful?!
I'd put a small wager down on "in time for Tufts move in." That said, nothing has been delayed here quite as bad as WMATA's SL extension.
For the Tufts Medford station itself, most surfaces/paving could probably be done in 2 weeks if they really needed, and maybe 2 weeks more for systems
This is more germane to the Community Path than the GLX, but since I haven't seen a specific thread for the former, I'll put it here.

"Speed humps" have been installed on Central St. between Highland and Medford, presumably in anticipation of the path opening. I put "speed humps" in quotes because they're way lower in elevation than those on Lowell St., and really don't slow traffic down at all (save the few cars that slow down in confusion -- but most cars simply flew over them).



There are probably about 5 of them over this stretch, and they're pavement-marked with small chevrons, but there is no roadside signage to indicate they're there. I'm wondering if they're temporary to get locals used to their presence, and will be re-paved and properly built/signed once the path opens up.

Interestingly, I also saw some new ones on Sycamore between Medford and Broadway, so maybe they're becoming more prevalent all across the area.
They went in on Franklin St. near the Capuano school yesterday too. Speedbump Day for everybody it seems like.
