State Street HQ | One Congress | Bulfinch Crossing | West End

Any word on occupancy for the full tower? Guessing those few remaining temporary windows need to get taken care of somehow (window washing gantry?)
Any word on occupancy for the full tower? Guessing those few remaining temporary windows need to get taken care of somehow (window washing gantry?)

Somebody else can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the garage demo (except for the part being kept of course) needs to be fully completed before the building can be occupied.
Somebody else can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the garage demo (except for the part being kept of course) needs to be fully completed before the building can be occupied.

This has been repeated many times but not substantiated as far as I know. Can’t imagine State Street would be left hanging with no HQ for what could be a year or more until the garage is completely gone.
This has been repeated many times but not substantiated as far as I know. Can’t imagine State Street would be left hanging with no HQ for what could be a year or more until the garage is completely gone.

That's what I'm thinking, it's 1,000,000 sf of fully leased class A office space with one of the biggest names in the city as an anchor tenant. "We'll see when we get this stupid garage down" doesn't seem like it would sit well, especially with State Street's need to vacate 1 Lincoln presumably pretty soon.
There should be bollards all over the city. Even city councilors are driving onto sidewalks and into buildings. I'll take whatever protection I can get from the terrible drivers and the awful people who park on sidewalks.
Last time I was in Paris, they seemed to have moved full bore on to that approach. Not just bollards, but bollards combined with fencing were all over the place. Made j-walking difficult, but overall, I liked it.
First floor cafe to open, "Real soon. They say September, officially, but I've heard within the next week or two" (from the security guard). Also -- apparently the 4th floor, which already houses a cafeteria, and a space on the 12th floor are being considered for possible public dining/drinking options. The guy was like, "It's pretty sweet up there, actually" and while he looked like he *might* consider breaking some rules when I asked if I could give a look-see briefly, he then said he'd only been on the job a week and didn't want to get in trouble. Totally understandable.
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Let's hope it takes less than a year and a half here to replace the plywood with windows....(cough, cough....One Dalton)
