Boston Easter Eggs

Ok, so as someone who has never lived in Boston but has always lived 1-2 hours from Boston, I recently found the Potato Monument and that experience really felt like discovering an easter egg.

And the neighborhood of Riverdale in Dedham is another island, albeit a smaller one. I heard they used to graze cows there.
I've always been curious about Riverdale -- whether it was a true island originally, or drained/filled swamp. I do like the way you cross the Charles twice when you pass through the neighborhood.
Does anyone know the purpose/history of this mystery bridge in Sullivan Square? It dates to the 1950s underpass construction; as you can see in the historic aerial, it was not part of the Orange Line or the Sullivan Square station footbridge, and I don't think it was part of the old overpass either. Perhaps a utility bridge?


Does anyone know the purpose/history of this mystery bridge in Sullivan Square? It dates to the 1950s underpass construction; as you can see in the historic aerial, it was not part of the Orange Line or the Sullivan Square station footbridge, and I don't think it was part of the old overpass either. Perhaps a utility bridge?

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I vaguely remember seeing it when I would ride the el back in the 1960s as a teenager. Somehow the utility function of it is what I remember seeing.
