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Re: Columbus Center

I have never once heard a figure for the subsidy being as high as $605 million, could you please post some semblance of a citation. . .
You are a lying egomaniac. . . the full 16,000 pages of boring public records which you haven't quoted from at all to support your positions . . .
. . . I'm presuming they are in PDF format, like most public records . . .
. . . show the records, otherwise we will have to presume that most of your claims are unsubstantiated hearsay without the textual proof.
. . . despite your doomsday predictions about UFPs, you have not moved away from the Mass Pike canyon, suggesting that even you don't believe in the words you spew. . .
If they merely imply, they would not have put forth the 30 million already. . .
. . . Why would they put in 30 million dollars on implication? If they were wrong, they would have wasted 30 million dollars of taxpayer money.
. . . But what have you done that was beneficial to the neighborhood? If you were as "influential" as you say, what benefits have you brought?
. . . not only had you left the canyon as it is, you ended up stopping foundation work mid way through. Your work as caused the mess at the site and now requires money fro mthe Turnpike, money from taxpayers, to clean up the mess.
. . . Your "influence" left the site worse today than it was before and much worse had it been built. . .
. . . Most of the reports involved you saying the same exact thing each time, that you are unhappy with the project.
. . . You must be a fool to think developers listens to a single person like you intently . . . they did not do anything about the UFP pollution, even if they already knew about it. . .
Does anyone admit to being against building there?
You ignored the specifications. • None of the services you listed above can host all 16,000 public records — for any Windows/MacIntosh user — to search — browse — read — and download — as needed._ Re-check the software and service specifications.
You presume incorrectly. • The vast majority of Columbus Center public records were never released in any electronic format, the custodians aren’t obligated to convert them to electronic format, and among the few pages that are in PD Format, most are not text-searchable, a necessity for an on-line library of public records.
You don’t appreciate indexing. • Each page of each document has to be read — and fully understood — before it can be indexed in a useful manner._ That requires far more skill, experience, and labor than just tagging Flickr photos “my dog” and “our cat.” doesn’t have adequate software, qualified staff, or the end-to-end funding needed to obtain, scan, and index all these materials, for an unknown number of years, for an unappreciative audience, for free.
But that’s not as big a loss as it seems.
Most forum members haven’t even read the entire thread yet._ (If they had, they wouldn’t repeat questions that have already been asked and answered.)_ Stellarfun echoed most members’ attitudes best when he wrote on 7 May 2008:_ “I have neither the time, diligence, or frankly the interest, to peruse thousands of pages of contract and lease documents.”
All the records are readily available to everybody._
Your logic is poor. • ...Anyone who reaches categorical conclusions — without reviewing any of the available evidence — is a fool._ Your threatening not to believe me is even more foolish, because I did not join the forum to persuade anyone of anything; I joined to post whatever facts other members clearly don’t have, and to observe and record the reactions._ Most foolish of all are the cheerleaders who, every time Columbus Center hits a new low, start crying, “Halt the discussion! Stop the posts! Lock the thread!” as though silencing the news could change the reality.
The facts about particulate matter are exactly as science has already proven them._ Those facts are not affected by where any individual does — or does not — reside._ Case law gives individuals who are harmed by an environmental risk a stronger standing to achieve remediation than those who aren’t, so for some goals, moving is not necessarily the best strategy.
Yes they can, if you convert them into the correct format first.
. . . you can type them into Microsoft Word . . . you can scan them into PDF . . . you can take photos of them. . .
. . . Public records usually aren't indexed.
. . . So just word-search capability is good enough.
. . . This is just an excuse not to do the required work. . .
. . . only you have all 16,000 pages of public records and have the capability to share them with others. . .
. . . uploading a measly 16,000 pages of public records shouldn't be too difficult. If this audience is unappreciative, then why spend the effort in the first place? . . .
. . . If you want to educate others. . .
. . . it's best to show all of the related materials to your target audience.
You might want to help contribute to this: You know, instead of just obstructing without offering an alternative plan besides "follow the master plan" (which is unprofitable, therefore it has never been followed or approved) or "build nothing"
No, none of the products you chose would work in your project._ Format has nothing to do with it._ Re-read the specifications._ Not a single one of the products you chose can host the public records in all 6 of these ways at the same time:
1. for any Windows/MacIntosh user,
2. to search,
3. to browse,
4. to read,
5. to download, and
6. on an as-needed basis.
If you believe, as you wrote, that you could re-type, scan, or photograph these 16,000 pages of public records successfully, then you clearly have never done such a project._ But since you insist it would work, then start today, and as soon as you’re done, let everyone know how it went.
Yes, but for the scope and scale of your project, both pages and documents would need to be indexed and paginated to be useful._ Remember, you haven’t read these documents, and don’t appreciate the content.
No, it isn’t._ You haven’t done anything on this scale (or you wouldn’t say such things).
No, it isn’t an excuse._ I said from the outset that I would never do this project, because I know what’s required to obtain, scan, and index these materials, for an unknown number of years, for an unappreciative audience, for free._ It would be wasteful and pointless for me to provide any more information to people who won’t even read the existing thread, who already complain about too much information, and who have no control over the outcome._ You, on the other hand, are the only one who sees value in your project, so it is you who has to do it (because no one else ever will).
That is untrue._ I am not the only person with these records._ They all came from public sources._ All of them are available to anybody._ And since your project is evidence-dependent, you have to get the evidence from each source yourself, not from a third party.
If no one thinks you can do this, or no one expects valuable results from you, then won’t be willing to sponsor the staffing, funding, and facilities for your project._ If is willing to sponsor your project, then you should start it today.
I post here to provide facts that others do not have, for public discussion._ But my goals don’t include educating members of, so for me, pursuing your project has no value.
No, it’s not._ Do the arithmetic._ Forum members won't even read all of their 199 web pages covering the last 3.5 years, but you want to obtain, scan, and index 16,000 more pages covering 14 years. No, showing an audience all possible materials is not necessarily best; with this audience it would be especially counter-productive._ So far, you are the only person interested in pursuing your on-line public records project, so if you can’t get to sponsor you, then you’ll have to either get another sponsor, or else take the hint, and give it up.
BarbaricManchurian said:So that means no one else along the I-90 corridor is interested enough to file a lawsuit about UFPs (plus why haven't you, already)? That's awfully presumptuous, even by you. Fact is, if you cared about the health of yourself and others, you should educate as many residents of your neighborhood about UFPs and try to encourage them to relocate to an area with a lower concentration of UFPs. Either that, or try to start a class-action lawsuit forcing someone to fix the problem so thousands don't have to die just because of the government's negligence (I can sense a huge news story/scandal if it were all true).
[size=+2]The Related Companies lose stalled project in foreign bank foreclosure[/size]
The Related Companies, the financial powerhouse enlisted by The Beal Companies to save Columbus Center over one year ago, has lost a 3.5-year-old project to a German bank, which is selling it at a foreclosure auction next month.
Related tried to start ?Commons at Prospect Hill,? a $500 million, 1.7-million s.f. mixed use project in Waltham at the same time that California tried to start ?Columbus Center,? an $850 million, 1.5-million s.f. mixed use project in Boston._ At both sites, nothing was ever built.
In August 2008, Related promised a Columbus Center Financial Viability Review to be published in October 2008._ Related extended its own deadline 3 times, first to November, then to December, then to April, and finally stopped taking inquiries about it altogether.
The loss of the 119-acre property will be costly, and that doesn?t bode well for Related?s stalled efforts to re-launch the 14-year-old Columbus Center proposal.
. . . I don't have the public records . . . Quoting from the public records is not sufficient . . . You don't need "staffing, funding, and facilities" to upload the public records . . . it just takes a little bit of time . . . (and I'm sure it took a long time) . . .
The article that you linked doesn't offer any information that supports your assertion that the foreclosure will be costly to Related. . .
Ned Flaherty, previous post:Firstly, no foundation work ever started, because the developers never got permission to build either the tunnels or the buildings.
At this pace, you'll be arguing both sides of issues in consecutive posts. It is, however, remarkable that: though you assured us no foundation work has been started, you also promise us that the last of it is now being removed. Rest assured, we treat all your musings with a similar level of credulity.This last piece of rusted steel foundation will be demolished by state equipment...
• You’re still unsure (above) as to whether getting and reading these records take a “little” or a “long” time._ Just do the first 1,000 pages, and you will see.
• If you’re sure you can do all this without staffing, funding, and facilities, then prove it, and just do it._ (Hint: your refusal to measure resources for your own proposed project mirrors your refusal to measure total development cost at the proposed Columbus Center, so your project is likely to end the same way.)
BarbaricManchurian said:So that means no one else along the I-90 corridor is interested enough to file a lawsuit about UFPs (plus why haven't you, already)? That's awfully presumptuous, even by you. Fact is, if you cared about the health of yourself and others, you should educate as many residents of your neighborhood about UFPs and try to encourage them to relocate to an area with a lower concentration of UFPs. Either that, or try to start a class-action lawsuit forcing someone to fix the problem so thousands don't have to die just because of the government's negligence (I can sense a huge news story/scandal if it were all true).