Yeah, Maine Med is great for this section of town. someone posted the links to these renderings (maybe cneal) a while ago, but I didn't think the project would get going as quickly as it seems to have. no community objection? strange. I think this really is great for that area of the city, because the hill on which MMC sites disconnects a vibrant section from a kind of not to happening area. More long range, I look forward to the development of the HUGE area across from the hospital on Bramhall and the tiny area next adjacent to the skybridge which is currently up for sale with potential to build an 80,000 sf office building. Great potential.
I have mixed feelings about a canopy as well. There are certainly places in other cities where similar systems work quite well at keeping the area beneath lively in inclement weather.
We can all agree that it's silly for the hotel to complain about noise since they built it to be as close to the old port area as possible. I don't know if it was an earlier post here or somewhere else but someone made a point about having slept at hotels directly next to airports and not having issues with hearing planes all night. Maybe the Portland Harbor Hotel should have done more planning in the building's design.
Anyhow, does the construction ever stop at Maine Med?