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  1. D

    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    Yeah Southwest is taking space in B that's getting freed up as a result of the AA-US merger.
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    Riverside Development | 333 Grove Street | Newton

    I would love to come out to that meeting, but can't because of school. If someone does go, please be sure to report back.
  3. D

    Dorchester Infill and Small Developments

    This and the Globe site proposal are both very interesting and could really improve this portion of Morrissey Boulevard if built. I would bet that this proposal gets cut down a bit because of "concerned neighbors" though.
  4. D

    National Politics Thread

    If you count the local politics thread, we actually have three.
  5. D

    National Politics Thread

    Rich people are sometimes Democrats and sometimes want to run for office? This must mean that the Democrats hate the working class! Shame! Shame!
  6. D

    Most Disliked Buildings

    We must demolish the entire city.
  7. D

    Modera Framingham

    I saw this a few weeks ago, but forgot to post about it on here for some reason. Thanks for putting it up here. I agree that downtown Framingham isn't a good area, but the town has been trying to lay the groundwork for improvements and this should hopefully help the area improve, because it's...
  8. D

    Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

    I think what they means is that the cumulative amount of time lost over the course of the past year is able to be measured in hours. With a delay of about one minute per day from having to use the Summer Street entrance it does add up that a total of several hours would have been added to their...
  9. D

    [ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    Even though it is a bit shit, the IMAX is at least open to the public though (for a price obviously). The pool is just a complete waste in every aspect. This whole area really isn't that great at all. The garage would be a very good place to start.
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    The Boulevard (née The Times/Littlest Bar) | 110 Broad St | Downtown

    There should really be some sort of punishment for developers who purposefully do this, if there isn't already.
  11. D

    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    Who's filling SW's half of A after they leave?
  12. D

    The Lucas | 136 Shawmut Ave | South End

    I thought it was a random picture of the Federal Reserve at first.
  13. D

    The Lucas | 136 Shawmut Ave | South End

    I know we have a Brooklyn thread but isn't 1945 Dresden a bit beyond the scope of ArchBoston?
  14. D

    Renovations to BPL's Johnson Wing | Back Bay

    Boylston is the one East-West Street in the Back Bay that really doesn't have many trees. The pedestrian experience would be greatly improved if trees were planted along its length and this is a good start to that. You can see how lacking it is compared to other streets in any aerial picture of...
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    General Electric HQ (Necco Buildings Reno) | 5 Necco Street | Fort Point

    Re: General Electric HQ | Necco St.| Fort Point I really appreciate that powerpoint just for all of the great pictures of Boston it has in it.
  16. D

    What building would you nominate for replacement

    If Carson Tower were affordable I could forgive it, but is it even affordable?
  17. D

    11-21 Bromfield Street | DTX | Downtown

    That preservation of the Payless building actually looks a lot better than I originally thought it would.
  18. D

    11-21 Bromfield Street | DTX | Downtown

    I seem to be in the minority here, but I quite like this proposal, with the exception of the massive hole blown through the streetwall on the Bromfield side.
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    11-21 Bromfield Street | DTX | Downtown

    In the view from Memorial Drive from the last page it looks like Millenium Tower is built in Beacon Hill. Excellent photoshop.
  20. D

    Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

    Why does the roof appear to be open? I assume it's going to be closed at some point.
