Someone mentioned 1 Bromfield in another post. So I have a two-part question...
Part 1: Has anyone heard anything new on this? The most recent news I could find was from Jan 7th of this year.
Part 2: This got me thinking about other properties that appear ripe for redevelopment, of course, my criteria was just browsing through the city in google maps, looking for lack-luster buildings and garages downtown. But this process revealed a few spots that would seem ideal for tall towers to be built and i wondered if anyone on here knew anything about these locations and what the prospects might be for future development on these sites.
-The garage located next to Pi Alley.
-The old Borders Book building. A nice slender tower, essentially in the same shape as the existing building would really do it at that location.
-The Hyatt. Jeez - what an ugly fricken' hotel "tower". And the low-rise portion is quite large - large enough for a substantial high-rise. Also not sure what share's that block, but that whole area is low-rise and looks terrible from space

-TJ Maxx building right across from Millenium Tower. This seems like an ideal location to go tall, because someone else just did right across the street. I know there is a subway below ground right next door, so perhaps the garage could not be buried, but could instead be incorporated and hidden.
Any thoughts or info on any of these locations? Thanks all.