11-21 Bromfield Street | DTX | Downtown

Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

The rendering from the website. A box but if done right, it could be just as successful as the W Hotel.

Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

Looks like it's going to be propped on some kind of concrete pedestal to "match" the hideous garage across the street. Why can't some of the buildings along Washington be salvaged again?
Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

Ooof. Lord, the new BU towers have more personality. A glass tower would have actually been an improvement.
Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

At street level it looks like it will wipe out Bromfield Street's prehistoric charm. Please lose the light panelling down low, glass and goofy banners. The top will be ok.
Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

Well, let's be fair, I would only really save the building on the corner in this shot. The City Sports is a blight on an otherwise charming street.

Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

I'd like to keep City Sports as a business downtown, but not that building. Of the buildings they want to wipe out, only the Payless Shoe is worth keeping.
Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

The original facades are probably under those panels.
Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

but are the facades of one-story buildings likely to be anything special?
Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

They look to be taller than one story...the paneling covered up at least one or two floors of windows.
Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

I don't oppose the top, but the bottom kills me. DTX shouldn't have so much glass and flatness.

And I hope anyone who looks at this realizes that (1.) the building won't be so bright, and (2.) Boston has about 2 days per year that look like that.
Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

From this weeks Boston Courant:
Initially proposed to rise at an angle from Washington Street, discussion with abutters and the BRA led the designers to adjust the foundation layout by 15 degrees to put is "back onto the city grid," squarely facing Washington and Bromfield Streets.
In addition, the building was set back an additional 15 feet after neighbors expressed concern over Bromfield Street's already narrow sidewalks.
Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

I guess we're back to characterless glass boxes. We haven't learned anything from why 45 Province and the Clarendon are so successful.
Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

Meh. I like Bromfield's narrow sidewalks. It part of what makes Bromfield, Bromfield.

A pox on this project.
Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but when they say that the building will be set back an additional 15 feet does that means that they are just shifting the building over or that they are trimming 15 feet off of the Bromfield Street side?

The initial renderings make it seem that the tower prtion was already set back a good bit. Maybe the commercial floors are now just going to be flush with the residential tower? If they mean that they're just scooting the tower over by 15 feet that seems to counteract the positive impact of the new angle and I don't think the neighbors who are angry over the loss of their view (like me) are going to be appeased by that.
Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

Meh. I like Bromfield's narrow sidewalks. It part of what makes Bromfield, Bromfield.

A pox on this project.

Yes! Bromfield is supposed to be dark and quirky. Not like that mall highrise in downtown Worcester!
Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

15 feet wider?

In 50 years the NIMBYs will blame developers for turning Bromfield into a broad corporate canyon, and we will know it was them.
Re: One Bromfield (28-story tower @ DTX)

Does the 15 feet relate to the street level, or to the tower portion? The tower is set back some on the pedestal on the Bromfield side, and does not sit quite perpendicular to Bromfield?
