1400 Boylston Street | Star Market & Gulf | Fenway

I wish our City leaders would favor proposals that funded more improvements in *extant* parks rather than building new small ones adjacent to them.

You don't get credit for that as politician.
Agreed, save all the little useless green spaces and instead build denser, then dedicate larger spaces for real parks.
Agreed to all of this. However, the extra funds that you get from allowing more building could be devoted to very "in your face" park and streetscape improvements.....
so they would get rid of the star market? I know there's the target right there but idk I hate to see fewer grocery stores in the city :'(
so they would get rid of the star market? I know there's the target right there but idk I hate to see fewer grocery stores in the city :'(

No, the star market will be moving to the new building being built at 401 Park Drive.
So the developer shouldn't build a new urban park because it will be neglected by incompetency? Really? I am glad that attitude didn't prevail in the time of the Copley Square Park and The Lawn on D, et al...
So the developer shouldn't build a new urban park because it will be neglected by incompetency? Really? I am glad that attitude didn't prevail in the time of the Copley Square Park and The Lawn on D, et al...

Was Copley Square Park built by a private developer?
That's not my point. Though I am happy they get their landscraper and we get a nice new park right across from the former parking lot turned water feature
[Mod Note: Merged the two "1380-1420 Boylston" threads and tweaked the name of the project AND referenced it as both Star Market & Gulf (as the larger parcel?)]
Double-height windows + hodge-podge facade materials + bargain basement mechanical screens = another Elkus Manfredi Special. They even threw in the balconies overflowing with lush vegetation that will surely last until Round 1 of the BCDC "What we heard" cuts.

I also wish they'd stick to "the character of the neighborhood" and just built more housing along Park Drive (the block bound by Park, Peterborough, and "Alley No. 931"). The Fenway doesn't need more green space. It does need more housing.
