2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Waaaaahhhhh, boo hoo, Mr. Thin Skin. You're 100% Hillary. You also just confirmed you're special needs, so I'm sorry that I made fun of your post. I was trying not to. It's why I ignored it until now.

Aren't you the guy who likes to take pictures of police cars?
I have no opinion on disabled people, but sympathize with their circumstances which are out of their control.

But will use them to insult people. Yeah you definitely sympathize with their circumstances.

I have violated my previous post. I will write myself a ticket now. Or better, yet, I'll write on the chalkboard "I will not reply to KentXie anymore on the archboston political threads" 500-1000 times.

Get writing then. And get yourself a damn dictionary.
Aren't you the guy who likes to take pictures of police cars?

Huh? Why are you still here? At least other posters make some good points, whether or not I agree with them. I don't even know what this is supposed to mean. Reading your posts on this thread, you're like an annoying pigeon that flies by people's heads, poops everywhere, and otherwise brings nothing to the table.
I like liberals; I just hate the current set of leaders.

I like immigrants, just not the ones who sneak over the border and drain our system.

I have no opinion on disabled people, but sympathize with their circumstances which are out of their control.

I have violated my previous post. I will write myself a ticket now. Or better, yet, I'll write on the chalkboard "I will not reply to KentXie anymore on the archboston political threads" 500-1000 times.

You're arguing with people on this board that still believe OJ Simpson is innocent.
Huh? Why are you still here? At least other posters make some good points, whether or not I agree with them. I don't even know what this is supposed to mean. Reading your posts on this thread, you're like an annoying pigeon that flies by people's heads, poops everywhere, and otherwise brings nothing to the table.

It's a comment on your immaturity.
If I didn't have family and friends stuck in the United States without a viable exit strategy, I'd probably have voted Trump just to watch the animals kill each other off in the next twenty years.
But will use them to insult people. Yeah you definitely sympathize with their circumstances.

Get writing then. And get yourself a damn dictionary.

Just you KentXie. You twist words even better than the MSM. Go to Hell. I hope you get deported.

Better yet, go see if you can exploit that loop hole you have been raving about. Good luck with that. I'm sure it's all that simple.
If I didn't have family and friends stuck in the United States without a viable exit strategy, I'd probably have voted Trump just to watch the animals kill each other off in the next twenty years.

I hope you have an exit strategy for when Europe tears itself apart. Brexit first. Isn't that you?
I hate this thread and never should have gotten involved.

This is probably the same group of jury members that found Casey Anthony Innocent.
No one actually saw her duck tape her daughter and throw in her in the back seat of her car.

Don't worry if she lied for a month to her parents where their granddaughter was. And then doesn't bother taking the stand.

Nobody actually saw her commit the crime so she is INNOCENT.
After Question 4 passes, we can all meet up and let bygones be bygones..... until the next election..... or the impeachment of the winner...... or the midterm elections.....
This is probably the same group of jury members that found Casey Anthony Innocent.

Guess the cat's out of the bag. It's true. We're all hired actors whose primary role it is to fuck with real American patriots like yourself.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton walk in to a bar.

Donald leans over, and with a smile on his face, says,

“The media is really tearing you apart for that Scandal.”
Hillary: “You mean my lying about Benghazi?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean the massive voter fraud?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean the military not getting their votes counted?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Using my secret private server with classified material to Hide my Activities?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything Else?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion, Hiring Cronies, And taking bribes from foreign countries?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean the drones being operated in our own country without The Benefit of the law?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million, and right afterward it Declared Bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean arming the Muslim Brotherhood and hiring them in the White House?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Whitewater, Watergate committee, Vince Foster, commodity Deals?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Turning Libya into chaos?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Being the mastermind of the so-called “Arab Spring” that only brought chaos, death and destruction to the Middle East and North Africa?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Leaving four Americans to die in Benghazi?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Trashing Mubarak, one of our few Muslim friends?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “The funding and arming of terrorists in Syria, the destruction and destabilization of that nation, giving the order to our lapdogs in Turkey and Saudi Arabia to give sarin gas to the “moderate” terrorists in Syria that they eventually used on civilians, and framed Assad, and had it not been for the Russians and Putin, we would have used that as a pretext to invade Syria, put a puppet in power, steal their natural resources, and leave that country in total chaos, just like we did with Libya?
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “The creation of the biggest refugees crisis since WWII?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Leaving Iraq in chaos? ”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The DOJ spying on the press?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean HHS Secretary Sibelius shaking down health insurance Executives?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Giving our cronies in SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 Months Later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The NSA monitoring citizens’ ?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The State Department interfering with an Inspector General Investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Me, The IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Threats to all of Bill’s former mistresses to keep them quiet?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean the INSIDER TRADING of the Tyson chicken deal I did where I invested $1,000 and the next year I got $100,000?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean when Bill met with Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, just before my hearing with the FBI to cut a deal?”
Trump” “No, the other one.”
Hillary: ” You mean the one where my IT guy at Platte River Networks asked Reddit for help to alter emails?”
Trump” “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean where the former Haitian Senate President accused me and my foundation of asking him for bribes?”
Trump” “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean that old video of me laughing as I explain how I got the charges against that child rapist dropped by blaming the young girl for liking older men and fantasizing about them. Even though I knew the guy was guilty?
Trump” “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean that video of me coughing up a giant green lunger into my drinking glass then drinking it back down?”
Trump” “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean that video of me passing out on the curb and losing my shoe?”
Trump” “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean when I robbed Bernie Sanders of the Democratic Party Nomination by having the DNC rig the nomination process so that I would win?”
Trump” “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean how so many people that oppose me have died in mysterious was?”
Trump” “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Travel Gate? When seven employees of the White House Travel Office were fired so that friends of Bill and mine could take over the travel business? And when I lied under oath during the investigation by the FBI, the Department of Justice, the White House itself, the General Accounting Office, the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, and the Whitewater Independent Counsel?”
Trump” “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The scandal where, (while I was Secretary if State), the State Department signed off on a deal to sell 20% of the USA’s uranium to a Canadian corporation that the Russians bought, netting a $145 million donation from Russia to the Clinton Foundation and a $500,000 speaking gig for Bill from the Russian Investment Bank that set up the corporate buyout?. That scandal?”
Trump” “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “That time I lied when I said I was under sniper fire when I got off the plane in Bosnia?”
Trump” “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “That time when after I became the First Lady, I improperly requested a bunch of FBI files so I could look for blackmail material on government insiders?”
Trump” “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “That time when Bill nominated Zoe Baird as Attorney General, even though we knew she hired illegal immigrants and didn’t pay payroll taxes on them?”
Trump” “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “When I got Nigeria exempted from foreign aid transparency guidelines despite evidence of corruption because they gave Bill a $700,000 in speaking fees?”
Trump” “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “That time in 2009 when Honduran military forces allied with rightist lawmakers ousted democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya, and I as then-Secretary of State sided with the armed forces and fought global pressure to reinstate him?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “I give up! … Oh wait, I think I’ve got it! When I stole the White House furniture, silverware, when Bill left Office?”
Trump: “THAT’S IT! I almost forgot about that one”.

How are those facts? Oh she wasn't involved, right.
This women and her group of elites all they care about is enriching themselves and demoralizing humanity.
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That was much more satisfying than I expected.
I have the satisfaction of living in a swing state so voting straight democrat will feel like I am flipping the bird to everyone who thought the hash tag #repealthe19th is an ok thing to popularize. I don't know how many other women there are on this board, but I know the rampant sexism has me really pissed off this election. Newt, Giuliani and Trump can take their entitlement and shove it up their asses.

PS I do vote republican when it makes sense, but this year, no. They need to step back and take a long hard look at themselves.
PS I do vote republican when it makes sense, but this year, no. They need to step back and take a long hard look at themselves.

The Republican party is in a revolt. This was revenge on how they treated RON PAUL in 2008 against the Romney primaries. This was a basic fuck you to the establishment.

Believe me the people that support Trump are logical people that feel that the System is so corrupt that they had to throw down the WILD CARD.

If Trump wins this election this would be absolutely insane since Trump is taking on a mountain.

TRUMP vs the Republican Elite, Democrats, Media and the Corporations, Hollywood, Jay-z, Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Madonna.

TRUMP has many flaws but his energy and perseverance for never quitting is absolutely amazing.
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Just you KentXie. You twist words even better than the MSM. Go to Hell. I hope you get deported.

Better yet, go see if you can exploit that loop hole you have been raving about. Good luck with that. I'm sure it's all that simple.

ROFL. DZH's true nature comes out. Sorry I guess I was wrong earlier. DZH is one of the crazies on this board.

Sorry I can't go to hell or get deported. I'm atheist and I was born in the US. Try harder.
The Republican party is in a revolt. This was revenge on how they treated RON PAUL in 2008 against the Romney primaries. This was a basic fuck you to the establishment.

Believe me the people that support Trump are logical people that feel that the System is so corrupt that they had to throw down the WILD CARD.

If Trump wins this election this would be absolutely insane since Trump is taking on a mountain.

TRUMP vs the Republican Elite, Democrats, Media and the Corporations, Hollywood, Jay-z, Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Madonna.

TRUMP has many flaws but his energy and perseverance for never quitting is absolutely amazing.

So when you guys are done punking the republican party, does that mean the next time y'all will together come up with a more reasonable candidate that won't scare my ovaries off?
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