2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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There's something that's been invented called a fucking COMPUTER. Computers do things at superhuman speeds. I can't believe (actually ok I can) that the GOP & Trump team are going with this line of attack. I've been hearing it from pundits all day.

The emails were DUPLICATES meaning they could automatically filter them with the COMPUTER (you can do this in fucking Outlook for Christ sakes) & quickly rule them out. There is also more than 1 person at the FBI.

The level of stupid is just painful.

Then how did it take the FBI take a year to review 60,000 emails if they have these so called super-computers?
People have tried to enlighten you on this and the previous thirty pages of this thread. The lamp clearly isn't plugged in.

So finding 650,000 emails from the secretary of state on somebody's random labtop is OKAY?

Nobody's knows how they got onto the random labtop. FBI determines no crime involved here in 8 days. They have to go back looking for the real Whitey Bulger.
People wouldn't think you're such a dipshit if you did some research and reading on occasion instead of spouting off as if you know more than the generals.


You know whats funny. I really don't give a fuck what people think. I think your a dipshit too.

Welcome to slush fund of Non-profit agencies.
Clinton WikiLeaks Update: Chelsea Clinton Used Foundation Funds For Lavish Wedding Leaked Email Suggests


Great public servants that never have to pay Federal Taxes anymore.
The reality is the proof of corruption is right in front of your eyes.
#1 The rise of Nazi party
#2 Catholic church priests were molesting the children
#3 Penn State Administration looked the other way when Sandusky was having a free for all.
I actually believe what is going on could be possibly more evil than these 3 things because all these GOVT agencies are all intertwined.
All 3 of those things generated Unlimited amounts of MONEY---
Washington D.C. has been printing press for over a decade now with no accountability or transparency.
Then how did it take the FBI take a year to review 60,000 emails if they have these so called super-computers?

The original emails were not duplicates. They required extensive review & logging.
I can't wait for this to be over with, it will be great if the alt right backs off with the fake information with zero evidence.
I can't wait for this to be over with, it will be great if the alt right backs off with the fake information with zero evidence.

"Alt right" is a made-up bullshit term. In a parallel universe you're all known as the "self-righteous left" or something else equally bullshit. Using a derogatory term essentially as a blanket description for an entire major political party is psychotic and, frankly, divisive. Both parties are in the gutter, but only one acts like it's above the fray. It isn't. Go pat yourself on the back some more and give yourself another participation trophy.
Dumb America--Including myself
30 Years of Bush's and Clintons= representing the same Group of Globalist Thieves.
**Throw in an Obama in the mix so the sheep think they actually have a vote.

Political Royalty

Granted when Trump speaks there are crowds of 15-30K people.
How many American People go to a Clinton Speech? A bunch of Govt workers
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I have a really pathetic confession. I wake up almost every morning wondering which direction this thread has gone while I slept.
"Alt right" is a made-up bullshit term. In a parallel universe you're all known as the "self-righteous left" or something else equally bullshit. Using a derogatory term essentially as a blanket description for an entire major political party is psychotic and, frankly, divisive. Both parties are in the gutter, but only one acts like it's above the fray. It isn't. Go pat yourself on the back some more and give yourself another participation trophy.

Today, 8:14 AM:

By the way I have already voted, so I couldn't care less about the petty bickering going on here.

Please stop quoting me, responding to me, invoking my name, etc. I'll see you all in 46 months. Until then, you can find me talking about buildings and posting pictures on the other threads.

Any attempt at further correspondence will be met with a quote of this post.
Today, 8:14 AM:

By the way I have already voted, so I couldn't care less about the petty bickering going on here.

Please stop quoting me, responding to me, invoking my name, etc. I'll see you all in 46 months. Until then, you can find me talking about buildings and posting pictures on the other threads.

Any attempt at further correspondence will be met with a quote of this post.

"Alt right" is a made-up bullshit term. In a parallel universe you're all known as the "self-righteous left" or something else equally bullshit. Using a derogatory term essentially as a blanket description for an entire major political party is psychotic and, frankly, divisive. Both parties are in the gutter, but only one acts like it's above the fray. It isn't. Go pat yourself on the back some more and give yourself another participation trophy.

You go on a diatribe about how you won't post anymore and that you will quote your own comment about it if anyone quotes you from the past. Then in a short period of time you break your vow by responding to something else and get called out for it. Then you do what you originally threatened to which was quote your own comment.

Jesus fucking Christ...it's crazier than this election ;)
Dumb America--Including myself
30 Years of Bush's and Clintons= representing the same Group of Globalist Thieves.
**Throw in an Obama in the mix so the sheep think they actually have a vote.

Political Royalty

Granted when Trump speaks there are crowds of 15-30K people.
How many American People go to a Clinton Speech? A bunch of Govt workers


Clinton mafia will continue to do fantastic, irreversable damage to America.
I'm pretty sure alt right is in reference to the group that is making traditional republicans, such as my grandfather was, gag. Bizarre falsehoods was not their cup of tea.
Are there any republicans or conservatives on this board who are not raving fucking lunatics? I'd love to have a thoughtful discussion.
I'm pretty sure alt right is in reference to the group that is making traditional republicans, such as my grandfather was, gag. Bizarre falsehoods was not their cup of tea.

That's correct. To suggest that "alt right" is a blanket statement for conservatives is absurd.
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