2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Rifle, do you even understand the difference between monetary policy and fiscal policy?
Rifle, do you even understand the difference between monetary policy and fiscal policy?

Yes....Do you understand that our so called elected representives only represent the corporations because that is who gets them elected.

It's like the policies in Washington concerning Insider trading.
It's Legal for Washington Insiders
But Illegal for the private sector

The Laws don't apply to the WASHINGTON ELITE. They only apply to us PEASANTS.

Bottom Line: 3 Things I would like to see at this point:

These 3 things will make our country better and better for HUMANITY.
Yes....Do you understand that our so called elected representives only represent the corporations because that is who gets them elected.

It's like the policies in Washington concerning Insider trading.
It's Legal for Washington Insiders
But Illegal for the private sector

The Laws don't apply to the WASHINGTON ELITE. They only apply to us PEASANTS.

Bottom Line: 3 Things I would like to see at this point:

These 3 things will make our country better and better for HUMANITY.

yea bro, for real!
I'm worried that the transit strike could lower turnout in heavily Democratic Philadelphia causing Trump to win Pennsylvania.
DZH, what's your take on Trump's anti-Semitic ad? Do you still believe that the Jewish people are still included in a Trump future?


First of all, I watched the ad and didn't notice anything overtly anti-semitic. I'm sure 99% of the people watching have no idea who most of the faces are in this ad.

Second of all, there are a handful of terrible people out there who are Jewish and give the rest of us a bad name. George Soros is Exhibit A on that list. He is as responsible for the mayhem in Europe and divisiveness in this country as any singular person could be. He is an evil man and needs to meet Negan or somebody similar. (note: I sure do wish I knew how to put youtube videos into posts)

WARNING!!!! Do not watch this scene if you can't handle the gore!!! ;)


So, there's my take KentXie. I'm not going to defend a total piece of shit just because we share a religion. This march towards a one-world Globalist government needs to stop.
I'm worried that the transit strike could lower turnout in heavily Democratic Philadelphia causing Trump to win Pennsylvania.


Strike ended 4 hours ago. Service will be fully restored by evening rush.

PA's had early voting since the 24th. The strike started on Nov. 1 and only affected buses and subways not Regional Rail. Even if it continued it wouldn't have impacted enough voters statewide to show its effects in so much as the tenths place of the turnout %...and the polling isn't close enough for that to matter.

It would've been more consequential for their dead-heat Senate race than it would've for the state's Prez. popular vote.
By the way I have already voted, so I couldn't care less about the petty bickering going on here.

Please stop quoting me, responding to me, invoking my name, etc. I'll see you all in 46 months. Until then, you can find me talking about buildings and posting pictures on the other threads.

Any attempt at further correspondence will be met with a quote of this post.
A question for the Trump voters here. How do you like being associated with people like this?


I don't-- I'm scarred. But what did you really think was going to happen when you print unlimited money backed by NOTHING for a decade?

And the only people that end up millionaires are the Senators, Lobbyists and Washington Elite. This is not a free country anymore.

Bush is the worst president in History---The banker bailouts completely destroyed the balance of accountability, transparency and created the worst income inequality our nation has seen since 1929.

Obama, Bush and Clinton==Represent the same group of corporate elite.

No matter who is elected--- America is finished.

2020 President Election for the Northeast sector of America.
Chelsea Clinton vs Ivanka Trump
You really think the election will be fair? Just like the Florida debacle Gore vs Bush---
The people in charge now will not go down to Trump no matter what outcome is presented.

Please tell me how it's legal that Obama is flying around on our the American taxpayers dime campaigning against Trump?
I'm sure you meant to say 'scared' yet you proceed to justify why you're voting for him.

Unfathomably misinformed AND ok with domestic terrorism. The plague truly is everywhere.
I'm sure you meant to say 'scared' yet you proceed to justify why you're voting for him.

Unfathomably misinformed AND ok with domestic terrorism. The plague truly is everywhere.

I'm not sure if you haven't notice. But the current regime is pretty fascist.
Between Bush thru Obama presidencies I believe the USA created the Terrorist regimes only to finally come home to roost.
#1 Wars in MiddleEast
#2 Taking out Dictators like Libya, Syria, Iraq
#3 Major Media outlets cannot be trusted. They promote the terrorist's on TV when they create horrific act.
Who did Bin Laden work for before 911? USA--Afghan war vs Russia.

There is just some many LIES at this point. There is no accountability or transparency in our system.
The corporation make the rules & regulations against the American citizens.
Only to game the system into Bailouts and Tax incentives against the honest hard working American Families.

When they call Snowden a Traitor is pretty disturbing. I look at Snowden as a patriot for warning the American people.
When our Govt officials are calling Snowden treasonous for telling the Truth you don't find that a little insane. The truth is treasonous know?
I can't believe it's only 1,457 days until Election Day 2020! Seems like just last month the campaign began.
I can't believe it's only 1,457 days until Election Day 2020! Seems like just last month the campaign began.

I hear that Kanye West is running! Curt Shilling has also said he will run if Clinton wins this election.
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SOMETHING doesn't add up.

Former NYPD Commisioner: Impossible FBI Reviewed 650,000 Emails In Only 8 Days

Former New York Police Department Commissioner Bernard Kerik argued Sunday that the FBI investigators must have taken just over one second to review each email in order to clear Hillary Clinton of criminal activity in under nine days.

In a tweet, Bernard Kerik revealed what appears to be the statistical impossibility of the FBI’s investigation, given that there are 691,200 seconds in 8 days, (the time since the FBI began their investigation,) meaning that they reviewed each email in just over a second.

There are 691,200 seconds in 8 days. FBI Director Comey reviewed 650,000 emails in 8 days? An email per second? Americans aren't stupid!

— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) November 6, 2016

Meanwhile former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Michael Flynn, pointed out that it took the FBI over a year to review 60,000 emails before Clinton was cleared back in July, yet having found new evidence on a server with 650,000 emails, it took just eight days.
There's something that's been invented called a fucking COMPUTER. Computers do things at superhuman speeds. I can't believe (actually ok I can) that the GOP & Trump team are going with this line of attack. I've been hearing it from pundits all day.

The emails were DUPLICATES meaning they could automatically filter them with the COMPUTER (you can do this in fucking Outlook for Christ sakes) & quickly rule them out. There is also more than 1 person at the FBI.

The level of stupid is just painful.
Your boyo Snowden explained it. Look it up.

How can you find 650,000 of the secretary of states emails on somebody's random labtop but say there has been no national security breach?

As Huma does not know how they got onto the computer.

Please enlighten me on this one.

How do you delete over 30,000 emails after getting a subpoena and not be instantly arrested?
And not to belabor the point but nobody cares what Bernie Kerik has to say about anything. He spent more time in the federal pen than he did in the police commissioner's office in NY.
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