2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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If TRUMP can't then nobody will and we will have EVIL people stealing the American Working class wealth.

We all voted for OBAMA for Change and what did he do? STEAL STEAL STEAL.

The Federal Reserve Bank which is privately owned controls America by Printing America's labor value away to nothing.

Then you have the corporations setting up corrupt regulations and policies in Washington against the working class by creating Tax breaks and incentives (So called creating jobs for the slaves)

Washington is a Toliet Bowl

Statler the Middle class and poor are more mad than the Rich. What did Obama do? No transparency, No Accountability. Obama supports Hilary after having a private server at her house. OBAMA is truly a lying hypocrite who is a puppet for Wall Street-
Honestly you are probably right. (Not about Obama, that's just delusional paranoia) But yeah, not much is going to change in our political system anytime soon no matter who we elect. Even a violent revolution wouldn't change much. Watch that video I posted about Power earlier in the thread for why. It's not liberal propaganda, I promise.

The best we can hope for is someone with at least a little compassion, someone who cares about someone other than themselves. Someone who has a least SOME history of working for people less fortunate then themselves.

Donald Trump isn't that person and he is not going to magically change into that person if elected.
The best we can hope for is someone with at least a little compassion, someone who cares about someone other than themselves. Someone who has a least SOME history of working for people less fortunate then themselves.

Donald Trump isn't that person and he is not going to magically change into that person if elected.

Neither is Hillary. They're both garbage candidates.

My mom (who voted for Hillary) actually said she hopes Hillary wins, then gets impeached immediately, and we end up with Kaine. I don't think Kaine is very good either. He sure didn't present himself well at his debate. Pence is obviously way too conservative and completely lacking in compassion. (Obama has made me hate that word btw)

Regardless of who we end up with, we're eff'ed. The system is not set up to benefit the average person. A few more years of rampant corruption and we will lose our 1st world status. It's like an accelerated version of the demise of the Roman Empire.
They are both trash in the sense of Hillary being a small pile of dust and Trump being the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is on fire, and floating right towards an orphanage, which is next to animal shelter filled with puppies and kittens.
Trump will not be permitted to be President in the end I believe.
There are too many powerful groups backing Hilary and expect something major to go down in my opinion.

Hilary---Saudi Arabi, Qatar---Clinton Foundation are all involved with the creation of ISIS-- Wrap your head around that.

So are we GOOD PEOPLE for Allowing this to happen? We all have fell asleep while our GOVT got couped by Evil people that only care about MONEY.

OR.... more people will vote for Hillary and the American experiment continues as it has for the past 240 years.
Donald Trump cares only about Donald Trump. His entire life is a testament to that fact. The corrupt system you hate will be very useful to him once he get into office. The last thing he would ever do is tear it down. If anything he will amp it up to levels unseen in American history. Good luck with that.

I agree with this. But I'm betting on Trump to clean house. He hates these people in Washington especially calling them out on that event with Hilary. He knows they are all hypocrites.

Trump giant EGO---is what you need in this point in history for president.

The lawmakers running Washington will never do the right thing for humanity or the people at this point. It's all about corporations money to get re-elected.

Trump is in a no lose situation:
#1 If TRUMP tries to clean up the system and do the right thing for the people he will go down as a legend. Then if they assassinated him--his name could possibly make him a martyr to go down in the American history books forever (TRUMP) (Possibly a revolution when the American people finally realize we don't have any control over nothing. Just choosing Pepsi or coke
#2 Loses the race---Big deal--Everybody will pay TRUMP unlimited amounts of money just to speak. He will continue to build his empire for his family and their future.

I don't believe Trump entered this insane race for #2---for the money. I think he is trying to save the American Concept from the Globalists. Trump is not for the Global agenda. NOT YET.


Trump will have his own group to answer to thou--(This is a fact)

The Federal Reserve Bank (Which is private) /along with the Federal Govt is destroying the currency by unlimited amounts of printing along with our Govt not balancing a budget for almost 10 years.
(It's been almost a DECADE before they have actually moved the Interests UP)
This younger generation is in for a rude awakening.

They are destroying the country financial soul from within by demoralizing the productive with unlimited amounts of DEBT.

This is how I see it.
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Heads up Rifleman - are any of your favorite website among the 100 or so clickbait farms in Macedonia that are cashing in on the election?


How Macedonia Became A Global Hub For Pro-Trump Misinformation
BuzzFeed News identified more than 100 pro-Trump websites being run from a single town in the former Yugoslav Republic.

Just to be clear - there are people who literally make up fake news that looks credible so that people like you will click on the links and help them earn advertising money (and like with any con, you'll overlook the credibility-killing details because it feels so good to believe its all true)
Everything is a LIE at this point. MAYBE---maybe I'm the idiot on this board--

But let me say this:
Obama claimed he did not know Hilary had a private email server.
If any of these emails on Weiner computer had Huma forwarding email information to the White House- to give them Hilary email addresses.
Obama has a big problem on his hands if Hilary does not get elected at this point. Because the WHITE HOUSE had full acknowledgment of Hilary's private server. I'm not sure why Comey re-opened up the case unless he had no choice to---- since Loretta Lynch said to DROP the Clinton case in the beginning. Comey does not seem like a guy with an agenda more like a stand-up FBI director.

The FBI completely went over the Whitehouse and DOJ---I'm thinking they have real evidence to take people down.

What it comes down to--is these groups of people just lie on a daily basis and all the lies have them caught in a WEB because of Anthony Wiener sexting a 15-year old minor who just happened to have the insurance file to safe his literal ass from prison time. HAHAHA
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I'm actually not supporting Trump. It's more like I'm against the corrupt establishment.

Sorry pal if it takes Trump to take down this corrupt system to its knees then do it.
Good people are really getting screwed by these corrupt lawmakers.

What is the difference between a pharmaceutical company selling oxycontin vs a drugdealer in the city selling Pot, or cocaine?

The people in Washington are the scum of society.

Clinton has spent 30 years trying to make things better in public office.
20 Trillion dollar national debt
600Billion in budget deficit
100-200+Trillion owed in Social Security
endless misery war in the Middleeast fighting 3-4 countries.

But the Clintons are worth over 100-200Million net worth plus being a GOVT spokesman. She has done a great job for herself and her scummy family.

The only reason she is not in jail is because they own the DOJ right now. Loretta Lynch owes the Clintons.

I'm not sure what is on the Weiner Labtop---But I'm sure we will find out over the next 6 months.

What I find more disturbing than Trump or the Clintons is DNC & RNC think representing these individuals are okay. DNC is the most corrupt organization I have ever seen. The system adjust itself in the future to make sure TRUMP like candiate can never infiltrate his way into presidency again. Expect the RNC to adopt Super Super Delegates to make sure this won't happen again.

I would have like to see Rand Paul as our president.
BUT no matter what the Clintons need to go to PRISON. They are breaking the laws in everybody's face and they are laughing at us like we can't do anything.

"The reason Trump is a Giant fuck you to the system for anybody who has been working" Because most of us are Working DEBT slaves for the bankers and Washington Elite.

You know what Trump is too? A giant fuck you to Rifleman because you're part of the working class and a giant fuck you to me because I'm not the 1%.

Seriously---This investigation is from Weiner Computer which got seized by the NYPD--
The NYPD presented the Feds with the labtop. Whatever is on Weiner Labtop prompted Comey to open up the investigation:

The Feds have not charged the Clintons with anything yet. This investigation could last months or years.
Remember the Clintons own the DOJ and have a high powered law firm. Most likely Comey is finished if Clinton gets in---But I believe Comey does not have a choice.
It's amazing Comey opened up the case in the first place since the head of the DOJ said to stop investigating Hilary.

There is definitely something going on behind the scenes. Just way too many rumors.
OK, I assumed the 1st time it was just a typo. Guess not.

The word is LAPTOP. As in, you use it while it rests on top of your lap.

Seriously---This investigation is from Weiner Computer which got seized by the NYPD--
The NYPD presented the Feds with the labtop. Whatever is on Weiner Labtop prompted Comey to open up the investigation:

The Feds have not charged the Clintons with anything yet. This investigation could last months or years.
Remember the Clintons own the DOJ and have a high powered law firm. Most likely Comey is finished if Clinton gets in---But I believe Comey does not have a choice.
It's amazing Comey opened up the case in the first place since the head of the DOJ said to stop investigating Hilary.

There is definitely something going on behind the scenes. Just way too many rumors.
I think this is beyond Comey. Look at what Rudy admitted to and look at all the leaks that have been occurring. Leaking information is the exact opposite of what should be expected of the FBI. This is coordinated move of a federal agency to influence an election and it's a threat to national trust and democracy.
I think this is beyond Comey. Look at what Rudy admitted to and look at all the leaks that have been occurring. Leaking information is the exact opposite of what should be expected of the FBI. This is coordinated move of a federal agency to influence an election and it's a threat to national trust and democracy.

We need to know what is actually on Weiner computer? Does it have any substance for Comey to open up Hilary Case.

Lets get one thing straight Comey didn't delete the emails or use a private server Hilary did. So they can blame Comey or whoever but Hilary is the reason they are all in this situation.

Anybody else in Govt would go to prison keeping a private server and private email accounts not sure why she is so special.

Not only that didn't they say Huma accounts were connected to Yahoo email accounts. Great Yahoo just got hacked for over 500Million users.

So if anything was confidential somebody has that data now.

Don't forget Kentxie----The Clintons are one of the most powerful families in the WORLD-
We need to know what is actually on Weiner computer? Does it have any substance for Comey to open up Hilary Case.

Lets get one thing straight Comey didn't delete the emails or use a private server Hilary did. So they can blame Comey or whoever but Hilary is the reason they are all in this situation.

Anybody else in Govt would go to prison keeping a private server and private email accounts not sure why she is so special.

Not only that didn't they say Huma accounts were connected to Yahoo email accounts. Great Yahoo just got hacked for over 500Million users.

So if anything was confidential somebody has that data now.
Bush used a private email server. Last time I checked, he isn't in jail and so shouldn't Hillary.

And regardless of the email, we have a federal agency trying to influence an election. It's one thing when the media is bias, it's another when people in the fed, people in power, purposely trying to influence an election. Again, this damages the democracy brand.
Leaking information is the exact opposite of what should be expected of the FBI.

Fun fact (as an aside): Deep Throat, the most famous leaker of all time, was an Assistant Director at the FBI
Bush used a private email server. Last time I checked, he isn't in jail and so shouldn't Hillary.

And regardless of the email, we have a federal agency trying to influence an election. It's one thing when the media is bias, it's another when people in the fed, people in power, purposely trying to influence an election. Again, this damages the democracy brand.

Hey, I'm fine investigating Bush and his cronies for war crimes and deleted emails.

I would love to know who made all the war profiteering money. We know Haliburton was able to get no bid contracts (mostly likely because of DICK Cheney)

Dems vs Reps---Both parties suck at this point.
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