2016 Presidential Election (General Election)

Who do plan to support for President in the 2016 Election?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Jill Stein

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Contrived Bullshit?
The only thing I spew is the current DEBT problem we have in America.
And think about it:

The Federal Govt cannot raise interest rates because they can't service the 20 Trillion dollar DEBT-
Who does that affect the most? The working class that make America run since it keeps goods and services over inflated with a depressed buying power for working class Americans- This is what is creating Income Inequality
Freedom-& Time is determined by MONEY in our country. The more money you make the more freedom & time you can focus on things you want to do.
Interest rates determine the value of goods and services based on your hardworking dollar

Look at the overall Global Debt Bubble the bankers & the politicians have got us in? The US dollar has become worthless.

All the corporations that have shifted overseas for there manufacturing & Call Centers facilities in China, Mexico, India--
Apple, Nike, MSFT, INTC---Only to create slave waging jobs and only to avoid paying healthcare costs due to over-inflated US Market for Healthcare.
The corporations are NOT ARE OUR FRIENDS---They only believe in PROFITS at all costs.

Then have the politicians change the rules & regulations for better tax breaks and incentives against America.

The reason the Democrats are pushing for illegals and everybody else to come to America is they want Chaos in the communities to continue to let them push America into Rich vs Poor: Productive vs unproductive classes.

The bankers are America's problem -who Clinton represents gets $500,000 a speech.

America is not a Global concept--- It was supposed to be a Free Country---
Today the Govt is the new Mob in town who take probably 40 to 50% in taxes if you don't have good tax shelters in place you are basically a debt slave and retirement is an illusion for a basic American Family with 100K a year job.

This is my theory.
Contrived Bullshit?
The only thing I spew is the current DEBT problem we have in America.
And think about it:

The Federal Govt cannot raise interest rates because they can't service the 20 Trillion dollar DEBT-
Who does that affect the most? The working class that make America run since it keeps goods and services over inflated with a depressed buying power for working class Americans- This is what is creating Income Inequality
Freedom-& Time is determined by MONEY in our country. The more money you make the more freedom & time you can focus on things you want to do.
Interest rates determine the value of goods and services based on your hardworking dollar

Look at the overall Global Debt Bubble the bankers & the politicians have got us in? The US dollar has become worthless.

All the corporations that have shifted overseas for there manufacturing & Call Centers facilities in China, Mexico, India--
Apple, Nike, MSFT, INTC---Only to create slave waging jobs and only to avoid paying healthcare costs due to over-inflated US Market for Healthcare.
The corporations are NOT ARE OUR FRIENDS---They only believe in PROFITS at all costs.

Then have the politicians change the rules & regulations for better tax breaks and incentives against America.

The reason the Democrats are pushing for illegals and everybody else to come to America is they want Chaos in the communities to continue to let them push America into Rich vs Poor: Productive vs unproductive classes.

The bankers are America's problem -who Clinton represents gets $500,000 a speech.

America is not a Global concept--- It was supposed to be a Free Country---
Today the Govt is the new Mob in town who take probably 40 to 50% in taxes if you don't have good tax shelters in place you are basically a debt slave and retirement is an illusion for a basic American Family with 100K a year job.

This is my theory.

You have no business having theories.

Seriously Obama and Clinton have been in office for 7 years: how many bankers were held accountable for financial terrorism of the US taxpayers money?
Interest rates have risen a 1/4 in 7 years. The fed is basically destroying our currency. (The average joe buying power on everyday good & services)

The country is 20 trillion in debt 400billion dollar budget deficit. They can't raise rates because we can't service the debt.
Add on another 200+ trillion in ss and Medicare.

Not sure if u under basic math but there are only two outcomes to this type of debt.
War or bankruptcy.
Or#3 America loses reserve currency

Please enlighten on the democrats spending policies. Just look at flint, Detroit, chicago

I don't think his theory has evolved at all despite the evidence to the contrary posted by members on this forum. This is a post from April haha. I think it'll be better for this forum if we just stop responding to Rifle.
Think about it. It's moon people who are really in control of our monetary policy. It happened right after we banished the mole people underground with the silver act of 1974.
In order to get rid of the ELITES who are CORRUPTING our foreign policy we need to find slender man and send him into the pyramids and have him shut off the mind rays. Once we shut down the black helicopters, the REAL PEOPLE will in control again. This is all written in invisible ink on the back of the Declaration of Independence if you sheeple would just open your eyes.

That's my theory.
And that is why Donald Trump will be the next president. Comments like yours disregarding the working class.

I have absolutely nothing against the working class. In fact, of those who choose to be informed and can back up their opinions with reason and fact, I think quite highly but it's the ill-informed and conspiratorial reactionist loose cannons that I don't much care for.
Think about it. It's moon people who are really in control of our monetary policy. It happened right after we banished the mole people underground with the silver act of 1974.
In order to get rid of the ELITES who are CORRUPTING our foreign policy we need to find slender man and send him into the pyramids and have him shut off the mind rays. Once we shut down the black helicopters, the REAL PEOPLE will in control again. This is all written in invisible ink on the back of the Declaration of Independence if you sheeple would just open your eyes.

That's my theory.

So 100billions in bailouts, nobody goes to jail,
30,000 deleted emails,
FBI investigations--into the nominated president
Wikileaks---All the emails that shows the hypocrisy,
DNC corruption with the Clinton campaign against Bernie Sanders--
Clinton Foundation---As she is the secretary of state accepting donations from Qatar and Saudi Arabia which both have involvement with ISIS
Then Entire Middleeast is going to implode
Seriously--The list just goes ON and ON

But you support Hilary Clinton---GREAT CHOICE
So 100billions in bailouts, nobody goes to jail,
30,000 deleted emails,
FBI investigations--into the nominated president
Wikileaks---All the emails that shows the hypocrisy,
DNC corruption with the Clinton campaign against Bernie Sanders--
Clinton Foundation---As she is the secretary of state accepting donations from Qatar and Saudi Arabia which both have involvement with ISIS
Then Entire Middleeast is going to implode
Seriously--The list just goes ON and ON

But you support Hilary Clinton---GREAT CHOICE

My point exactly.
I have absolutely nothing against the working class. In fact, of those who choose to be informed and can back up their opinions with reason and fact, I think quite highly but it's the ill-informed and conspiratorial reactionist loose cannons that I don't much care for.

Really 20 Trillion dollars in National Debt
100-200 Trillion in social Security and Medicare debt
Interest rates at all time lows for 8 years and counting along with QE 1, 2 can we say 3?
Endless Wars in the Middleeast

This is not good----- financial time bomb our country.

What facts do you need?

I thought the cold war was over?
I fully recognize that there are some troubling underlying metrics however as I've pointed out to you at least twice before, one candidate has actual policies to ensure a continued equitable and robust economy while dealing appropriately with the well-acknowledged challenges and the other has no economic or fiscal plan whatsoever.
Obama legacy will be dog-shit if this guy is elected--

Trump releases seven-point health care reform plan . . . and it's excellent

I'm going to excerpt the seven points entirely from Trump's web site:

1.Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.
2.Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines. As long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state. By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up.
3.Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system. Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions? As we allow the free market to provide insurance coverage opportunities to companies and individuals, we must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance. We must review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.
4.Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate. These accounts would become part of the estate of the individual and could be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty. These plans should be particularly attractive to young people who are healthy and can afford high-deductible insurance plans. These funds can be used by any member of a family without penalty. The flexibility and security provided by HSAs will be of great benefit to all who participate.
5.Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.
6.Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Nearly every state already offers benefits beyond what is required in the current Medicaid structure. The state governments know their people best and can manage the administration of Medicaid far better without federal overhead. States will have the incentives to seek out and eliminate fraud, waste and abuse to preserve our precious resources.
7.Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products. Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America. Though the pharmaceutical industry is in the private sector, drug companies provide a public service. Allowing consumers access to imported, safe and dependable drugs from overseas will bring more options to consumers.

The best thing about the plan - aside from the obvious feature of getting rid of ObamaCare - is the emphasis on expanded Health Savings Accounts, along with the shift in tax deductibility to individuals who spend money on health insurance as opposed to employers. The use of the tax code to tie health insurance to employment was one of the worst policy decisions of the 20th Century, tied to wage controls during World War II, and it's well past time to correct it.

Another excellent feature is price transparency. Today, if you walk into a doctor's office and try to self-pay, they look at you like you're from another planet, and half the time they don't even know what things cost because everyone just figures insurance covers it, so who cares? If people don't understand how that drives up the cost of health care, they really need a crash course in basic economics.
Continued: http://www.caintv.com/trump-releases-seven-point-hea
Yo, fellow libtards, I just saw that president Obama will be speaking in Durham NH on Nov. 7. That's an easy Amtrak ride for you Bostonians and an easy bus ride for me to see our acting president on the day before we select his successor. Far more interesting than arguing against conspiracy theories on the internet.
And that is why Donald Trump will be the next president. Comments like yours disregarding the working class.

Fuck the working class.

You're supporting the party of tax cuts for the rich and tough love for the poor.

You're supporting a candidate who was born rich and proposes a tax plan that will make him richer.

You're supporting a candidate who was given his money and his business by his rich daddy.

You're supporting a candidate who is such a shit businessman that the only way he remained rich was by stiffing the working class individuals (along with everyone else) he had agreed to pay. Over and over and over again.

You're supporting a candidate who despite having a gold plated fucking toilet has avoided paying taxes for 18 years by writing off as a loss money that he borrowed from other people and failed to pay back due to his multiple bankruptcies. Let me say that again. He wrote off nearly a billion dollars that wasn't even his own. He wrote off nearly a billion dollars that he borrowed and then told he debtors to go to hell, then turned around and used that borrowed, squandered billion to avoid paying his taxes. What happens when the rich don't pay their taxes? Either you pay more or our roads crumble, our veterans aren't taken care of, our water isn't made safe, and our country's debt increases.

You can rant about all the third rate Clinton conspiracies you want, but the truth is that she has spent her life trying to make things better for people like you and me. Trump has done nothing but try to make things better for himself.

You don't get to talk about the working class because your vote for Trump is a giant fuck you to anyone who has had to work for anything.
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I'm actually not supporting Trump. It's more like I'm against the corrupt establishment.

Sorry pal if it takes Trump to take down this corrupt system to its knees then do it.
Good people are really getting screwed by these corrupt lawmakers.

What is the difference between a pharmaceutical company selling oxycontin vs a drugdealer in the city selling Pot, or cocaine?

The people in Washington are the scum of society.

Clinton has spent 30 years trying to make things better in public office.
20 Trillion dollar national debt
600Billion in budget deficit
100-200+Trillion owed in Social Security
endless misery war in the Middleeast fighting 3-4 countries.

But the Clintons are worth over 100-200Million net worth plus being a GOVT spokesman. She has done a great job for herself and her scummy family.

The only reason she is not in jail is because they own the DOJ right now. Loretta Lynch owes the Clintons.

I'm not sure what is on the Weiner Labtop---But I'm sure we will find out over the next 6 months.

What I find more disturbing than Trump or the Clintons is DNC & RNC think representing these individuals are okay. DNC is the most corrupt organization I have ever seen. The system adjust itself in the future to make sure TRUMP like candiate can never infiltrate his way into presidency again. Expect the RNC to adopt Super Super Delegates to make sure this won't happen again.

I would have like to see Rand Paul as our president.
BUT no matter what the Clintons need to go to PRISON. They are breaking the laws in everybody's face and they are laughing at us like we can't do anything.

"The reason Trump is a Giant fuck you to the system for anybody who has been working" Because most of us are Working DEBT slaves for the bankers and Washington Elite.
Sorry pal if it takes Trump to take down this corrupt system to its knees then do it.

That's the thing though, he not going to do that. He's really, REALLY not. He will just use the same corrupt system to enrich himself further while screwing over EVERYBODY ELSE. Yes, including you. He doesn't care about you or any of the working class. He certainly doesn't care about the poor. And honestly he only cares the wealthy for either revenge for not taking him seriously or in hopes of using them to make himself more wealthy.

Donald Trump cares only about Donald Trump. His entire life is a testament to that fact. The corrupt system you hate will be very useful to him once he get into office. The last thing he would ever do is tear it down. If anything he will amp it up to levels unseen in American history. Good luck with that.
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