45 Province St | Downtown Crossing

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Re: 45 Province St

Here are my shots from today, Feb 2 2008. For some reason they were working (Saturday)


Re: 45 Province St

Funny. They were working on The Clarendon & Mandarin, too, yesterday.

Maybe they all plan on calling in sick on Monday?
Re: 45 Province St

Passing by this morning, it looks like they started to hang some of the facade on the lower levels over the weekend. It looks pretty good, but lonely without windows or trim.
Re: 45 Province St

I got all trigger happy on this one today (beautiful day out!)

First, a few from the Marshalls/33 Arch garage




And on to the streets..




That blank wall is troubling, because it'll most likely rise the full height of the tower (too skinny to have its stair/elevator core in the center), and, depending on what it's clad in, could either be ok or downright disastrous.


This project is unique in how close it comes up to its lot lines. The next three shots were taken from the alley on the west side of the site (where the building is literally about five feet away from the perimeter fence) looking in, moving from south to north.




Like JoeGallows said, cladding is starting to go up



So far, I like it. Very RED.


There's a subtle rough-hewn texture to both materials that lends them a sense of solidity, something sorely lacking in your typical precast concrete junk.


Melting (well, melted) snow was pouring down everywhere



And the last one, from Beacon Street

Re: 45 Province St

Nice shots. Good thinking on the garage angle. The cladding doesn't look too bad.
Re: 45 Province St

I'm impressed....this is going up pretty quickly
Re: 45 Province St

wow it looks like they added another 3 or 4 floors since last thursday...
Re: 45 Province St

hot damn! i was in downtown crossing a week ago and you couldn't see the structure from washington st. now about 4 floors are visible. what is the final floor count for this going to be?
Re: 45 Province St

Very nice shots indeed!

I agree on the cladding being a pleasant departure from the norm (as of late anyway).

If my math is right, it looks to be about halfway up . . .
Re: 45 Province St

What do you think...A couple of stories taller than the crane control cab and its done?
Re: 45 Province St

Very nice set of pics.

It looks to me like it has around 10-12 floors to go.

kz's pics, a month ago (1/19) and today


Re: 45 Province St

Good eye, Mike. it was my intention to eventually do what you did, as I've established an exact spot to stand at for taking this particular perspective.

And I counted 18 floors when I was there.
Re: 45 Province St

Wow great pictures kz, thanks a bunch! I really really like this project, and it is great to see this rising. It is such a slim building, may I say that thinnest building of it's size in Boston? I like the facade too, I can't wait to see it's impact on the skyline (mainly from the common). Looking great though!
Re: 45 Province St

Oh man, i just saw some of the interior shots. I wish so much that i could afford to live there! :(:(
Re: 45 Province St

I actually have a current interior shot from yesterday of one of the units on the 7th floor, which I'll post when I figure it out. Barbaric Manchurian and Type 001 have been great guys to host my shots, but they probably groan if another one shows up in their e-mail...
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