50 Liberty @ Fan Pier | 50 Liberty Drive | Seaport

Wow they really went out on a limb here with this design. Im impressed
22 Liberty came out so much darker than its renders -- a big disappointment for me. 50 Liberty is shaping up to be just the opposite -- a nice surprise.
They planned it so every side has at least a balcony that you can see the water from.
It's just "generic luxury" - or put another way, the trend of the day. Tons of new units in NYC have very similar kitchen finishes.

I know, inoffensive as well but unfortunately for the buyer, those trends of the day rarely age well.
Yup, very tacky look for Boston. Where are they getting these interior designers from?

Neither the finishes in 22 nor 50 Liberty photograph particularly well for some reason. Might be all the white. Depth and detail are lost or washed out. Just take a look at any past listings for units in 22. The photos are pretty horrible and were likely taken by phone cameras. The look, quality, heft, fit and finish come off quite differently in person though (for the better).
The more I look at this, the more I think the exterior really could've used some softer edges and incorporated more roundness in its design. As it is, it looks like a very square box (sounds familiar, huh?). Sure, it's an L-shaped box this time with balconies coming out in all directions, but a sterile box none-the-less. Even if just the balconies themselves were more rounded off like the picture below, I think it would come out much better and more visually interesting.

The more I look at this, the more I think the exterior really could've used some softer edges and incorporated more roundness in its design. As it is, it looks like a very square box (sounds familiar, huh?). Sure, it's an L-shaped box this time with balconies coming out in all directions, but a sterile box none-the-less. Even if just the balconies themselves were more rounded off like the picture below, I think it would come out much better and more visually interesting.


Re: your image there:

To paraphrase: "I can't see the building for the trees".
I know the road has been there all along in renderings, but it is really striking to me now looking at the scale model of this project how much space the road/driveway takes up. This building is surrounded on 4 sides by a road. And the remaining green space looks rather small.

One thing that 22 Liberty has going for it is that they've turned a former road (Courthouse Way) into a pedestrian-only right of way to the Harborwalk. And there is no road between the building and the harbor. I wish 50 Liberty had more pedestrian-only space like this.


P.S. Here is the area about 6 years ago. It's crazy to see how much it's changed!! https://www.google.com/maps/@42.3547563,-71.0458033,3a,75y,177.37h,87.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCAGfgNOXFl974meQ-9quZA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
^^BostonDrew, I'm so glad you said something because I thought the exact same thing! Waterside Avenue seems completely unnecessary... 65% of the vehicular roads around this site are unnecessary. IIRC, 50 Liberty shares a parking garage with 22 Liberty and the rest of Fan Pier... if the cars for that building enter from Liberty, then they should make the rest of the site's perimeter pedestrian plaza or green space.
Its a layering effect where each one behind the next can have a view of the water.
Looks like a Miami Beach condo unit

except they can build one on an actual real beach (instead of a rotting, forlorn fish dock) without the Proletariat horrendously freaking out every time they write an article about construction..... :)
