Academic Building @ Suffolk U | 20 Somerset Street | Beacon Hill

Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

Lots of action at this site over the weekend. The plaza between 1 Ashburton and the old MDC building is fully fenced off with Suffolk Construction banners. The fencing extends halfway into Somerset street and it is down to one very narrow lane where there was formerly court parking. Building is fully draped. Looking for demo to began soon. Too bad. It was a pleasant building with some nice details.
Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

More activity here this week. Office trailers are staged and lots of materials in place. Some work today in the mechanical penthouse. Removing windows, and maybe some remediation work.
Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

Construction contract to Suffolk. (Who else?)

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Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

They should have made another dorm building I don't see how they could lose money charging students $15K for a 150sq feet dorm room for 9 months of the year..
Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

They should have made another dorm building I don't see how they could lose money charging students $15K for a 150sq feet dorm room for 9 months of the year..

The neighbors on Beacon Hill raised holy hell on the concept of bringing any more students into the neighborhood. I think the City would like to get most of Suffolk out of Beacon Hill and towards downtown crossing. I know they recently announced that they would put one of their Beacon Hill properties on the market.

By the way, lots more activity here and now there is a skid steer with a jackhammer on the roof.
Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

Yea I was thinking go ahead and sell the Donahue-Archer and Fenton buildings (the academic buildings right in Beacon hill which must piss the residents off with large groups of loud college students every hour) and transition towards a DTX location.. But I also think this location is far enough away from most apartments and is a block away from their fairly new dorm and the business school. Eventually make this the farthest corner of the campus and the majority being around downtown crossing
Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

I just happened to stumble across these on NBBJ's website. I don't think these have been posted before... Dated as Dec 4, 2012.


Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

It's about as unimaginative and cheap looking as one would expect of Suffolk. Mission accomplished!
Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

STAHP with the damn random shit.
Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

You get a window! YOU get a window! EVERYBODY GETS A (random) WINDOW!
Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

I just got the joke.

It is the New Old Suffolk County Courthouse on crack.
Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

Those windows are more played-out than the Harlem Shake.
Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

At the rate they are demolishing the MDC building, they could still go back to the drawing board and start from scratch. Several weeks of work and the mechanical penthouse is almost down.
Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

Each staircase gets its own window. (?)
Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

So they are knocking down a historic, 9 story building and replacing it with an 8 story piece of crap? Why?
Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

That's the entire modus operandi of Modernism.
Re: Suffolk Plans for Beacon Hill Arts Center

Whats left of the old MDC building
