Allston-Brighton Infill and Small Developments


23-25 North Beacon Street​


“The proposed project includes the demolition of an existing three-story residential structure and the construction of a six-story, twenty-five (25) unit multi-family building. The new building will include thirteen (13) one-bedroom units, three (3) two-bedroom units and nine (9) three-bedroom units. The development will replace an existing parking area at the rear of the site with shared open space for building residents, reducing impervious surface and increasing usable green space.”

September presentation


The previously approved 120 braintree street has now filed a small project change to reduce parking from 31 spaces to 18.


“The proposed development consists of a newly constructed five story building housing 32 home ownership units and commercial space. The ground floor provides 437 SF of commercial space targeted for lease to a neighborhood small business, along with the main residential lobby fronting Braintree Street, 591 SF of amenity space for resident’s meeting and fitness, plus residents’ bike storage and parking. The four levels above provide thirty-two (32) residential units, with a mix of one (1) 3 Bedroom unit, seventeen (17) 2 bedroom units, two (2) 1 bedroom units plus den and twelve (12) 1 bedroom units. The building is proposed to be clad in a combination of brick, cementitious clapboard and metal. Juliette or small balconies are included for each unit and building massing includes a combination of bay forms.”
