Allston-Brighton Infill and Small Developments

It might be HardiPlank siding instead of vinyl. It's hard to tell from the photos exactly what was used there.

I think he's referring to the apparent vinyl siding motif, rather than to whether it's actual vinyl siding. I agree with the critique. This has a very " 80's " look to it, which hasn't aged well IMO. It reminds me very much of this (actual '80s) one in Brighton:
Awesome! From a 3 unit beater to 23 units with 3 on site affordable. Id love to see this replicated across much of the lower density areas of the city. It has a modern brick and metal facade too instead of party panels. Huge win.
The trio of new-ish buildings near Union Square, Allston. I really like how the arthaus one turned out.

When I first read your caption I was super impressed because I thought you were self-categorizing a particular building as some special architectural style called "arthaus"...then I scrolled down and saw the physical sign on it. Nonetheless, I agree...great building!
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^^^ At about 12:45pm on Saturday. By the time I left (1:30ish) there were about three dozen patrons and a bunch of cyclists had just arrived. I think the action was just beginng. The brews not that bad, so I will be returning.
Arthaus is a great addition to the city. Honestly one of my favorite recent additions. It is also a fitting name you can definitely see the bauhaus influence and the artistic twists. Well done. Could use some landscaping with similar creativity though.
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The speedway is great, no question but the color scheme isn't; it's original contrasting colors made it stick out.
The speedway is great, no question but the color scheme isn't; it's original contrasting colors made it stick out.

It's a City of Boston Landmark so I would bet that the colors are based on historic evidence of what it was or good documents on what it would have been--which is not necessarily what we have all been familiar with recently.
