Allston-Brighton Infill and Small Developments

This is the current parcel. Cutting down a bunch of trees for 70 units is going to be a big battle in Oak Square.

Amusing, since it is next door to the 99 Tremont condos which were the burnt out foundations of an old apartment building for decades.

Also, they downsized from 120 to 70 units, switched from rental to condo, and are targeting empty nesters (read no pesky school kids and their expenses).
I pass BLDG 89 on my bike commute. I think it's decent infill if nothing spectacular (this is a screengrab from my GoPro helmet cam--I wasn't taking photos while riding)! Certainly better than the surface parking lot it replaced:

Developer proposes Brighton apartment building that might have an electric car residents could use

“A developer has filed plans to replace an old office building now used by State Police at 46 Leo Birmingham Parkway near Soldiers Field Road with a six-story apartment building, in an area in which offices are being replaced by residences at a rapid pace.”
This building needs more stupid shit all over it.
This building needs more stupid shit all over it.

In its filing, Arx Urban says the proposed building would share resources with a "sister" building Arx is now putting up a mile away at 525 Lincoln St. to create an "active, immediate community" with "shared programming and events" and a community in which people who start out in the dorm-like "co-living" 525 Lincoln St. could move into a larger unit in the parkway building without having to pay a broker's fee. The application does not say if the company has its eyes on other properties to continue the progression to an assisted-living facility and then a nursing home.

The two buildings would also share a "building property management app" that would not only let them pay their rent online, but chat with their neighbors, Arx Urban says.

I’m just curious as to what stupid “shit” you’re referring to? Seems like fair amenities to me.
