Allston-Brighton Infill and Small Developments

More progress on the corner of Telford and Western:


Board that rejected expansion of two-family house in South Boston into five units approves expansion of two-family house in Brighton into five units​

By adamg on Wed, 04/10/2024 - 3:00pm
77 Bigelow rendering

“Location, location, location: A couple hours after rejecting plans by one property owner to turn a two-family home on East 5th Street in South Boston into a five-unit condo building after nearby residents and the district city councilor strongly objected, the Zoning Board of Appeal yesterday approved plans by another property owner for a similar conversion on Bigelow Street in Brighton that was supported by the district city councilor.

The Boustris family, which bought 77 Bigelow St. in 2020, won approval for rear and side extensions to create a five-apartment building with five parking spaces on a 14,000-square-foot lot in a hearing that went as smoothly and as quickly as the earlier hearing on the South Boston proposal did not.

Among its supporters was City Councilor Liz Breadon, who, through an aide, said she particularly appreciated how the Boustris plan retained the original house, built in the 1800s and added onto that rather than razing it.

One Bigelow Street resident did oppose the proposal, saying it would add to parking issues on the street, and detract from neighbors' quality of life through extra noise and lack of privacy - in large part through all the proposed windows on the building and mean decreased light. She also expressed concern about the fate of a mature tree near the proposed driveway. A resident around the corner on Hardwick Street added the new units would mean extra traffic on the narrow Bigelow Street and would contribute to "a lack of green spaces places for some of the wild animasl now running around our neighborhood to take refuge."

The board then voted unanimously to grant the project the variances needed for being taller and having less parking than required by the lots zoning.”

76-unit condo building approved on North Beacon Street in Brighton​

Rendering of proposed 10 Hichborn St.

“The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved plans for a six-story, 76-unit condo building on Hichborn Street at North Beacon Street in Brighton, the latest residential building proposed by New Balance to go along with its redevelopment of the Guest Street corridor.

The proposed building would replace a vacant commercial building and parking lot and would be a short walk to the Boston Landing commuter-rail stop.

Some 13 of the units, or 17%, would be sold as affordable, New Balance's attorney, John Pulgini, said.

The building would have 45 parking spaces and ground-floor retail space.”

76-unit condo building approved on North Beacon Street in Brighton​

Rendering of proposed 10 Hichborn St.

“The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved plans for a six-story, 76-unit condo building on Hichborn Street at North Beacon Street in Brighton, the latest residential building proposed by New Balance to go along with its redevelopment of the Guest Street corridor.

The proposed building would replace a vacant commercial building and parking lot and would be a short walk to the Boston Landing commuter-rail stop.

Some 13 of the units, or 17%, would be sold as affordable, New Balance's attorney, John Pulgini, said.

The building would have 45 parking spaces and ground-floor retail space.”

This sentence in the Universal Hub link confused me;

" Pulgini said the building would improve the streetscape through the planting of seven street trees, wider sidewalks, and the reduction of the width of its curb cut from 100 to 12 feet."

......until I saw the Google streetview of the current

The Daily Free Press reports the Allston Brighton Community Development Corp. bought the Hill Memorial Baptist Church, 279 N. Harvard St. and plans to use the site for 50 affordable apartments for seniors.

470 Western Avenue Brighton


“The project proposes the construction of a new six (6) story 39 unit residential building of approximately 34,495 square feet of gross floor area, with on-site parking for 14 vehicles, bicycle parking spaces and improvements in landscaping, pedestrian connectivity, and related public realm improvements in and around the Site, consistent with the character and housing needs of the surrounding community (the “Proposed Project”). The project is anticipated to include two (2) studio units, nineteen (19) one-bedroom units, thirteen (13) two-bedroom units, and five (5) three-bedroom units.”
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I agree that this building appears to have been completed in 2021, and it looks like it popped up recently because of a Notice of Project Alteration that was just filed with the BPDA (below). Apparently the owner is trying to pivot from condos to rentals, including the affordable units. Not sure I've seen something like this so late in the game. I find it hard to believe that not a single new construction condo could be sold in this part of Allston...were they priced at some absurd level that fell victim to interest rates? The first sentence in the filing below raises more questions than it answers...

Proposed Alteration
Babak Veyssi has developed several mixed-use projects in Allston-Brighton and has earned
a reputation in the community and beyond for honesty and integrity. In fact, despite the pandemic
and the historic rise in construction costs, Mr. Veyssi still constructed the Project, which provides
desperately needed housing (including 4 IDP units). However, due to the increased costs of
construction, and other changes in the market, Mr. Veyssi has had to maintain ownership of all of
the units in the condominium. Accordingly, he now proposes to change the units from ownership
to rental units. No other aspects of the Project are proposed to be altered.
Throughout the approval process, Mr. Veyssi repeatedly advised the community and the
BPDA that while he intended to sell the units he may have to rent them if market conditions
changed, which unfortunately they have dramatically in the past six years
I did a double take when scrolling past both the 470 Western and 298 Cambridge projects. The render was close enough that I thought they were the same project for a moment.
470 Western Avenue Brighton

View attachment 50500

“The project proposes the construction of a new six (6) story 39 unit residential building of approximately 34,495 square feet of gross floor area, with on-site parking for 14 vehicles, bicycle parking spaces and improvements in landscaping, pedestrian connectivity, and related public realm improvements in and around the Site, consistent with the character and housing needs of the surrounding community (the “Proposed Project”). The project is anticipated to include two (2) studio units, nineteen (19) one-bedroom units, thirteen (13) two-bedroom units, and five (5) three-bedroom units.”
Great to see more infill coming along this stretch of Western!
The sidewalk level cycle track that doesn't even extend for a full block is kinda funny.

The units are good, but the juxtaposition with the pre-war blocks next door will be stark.
