This is all superb. So good to hear. The words of DH Lawrence seem applicable here, as they do to all discussions around the state of affairs in architecture, design, the world...
"A few things I know, with inner knowledge. I know that what I am struggling for is life, more life ahead, for myself and the men who will come after me: struggling against fixations and corruptions."
"I know our vision of life is all wrong. We must be prepared to have a new conception of what it means, to live. And everybody should try to help to build up this new conception, and everybody should be prepared to destroy, bit by bit, our old conception. I know that man cannot live by his own will alone. With his soul, he must search for the sources of the power of life. It is life we want. I know that where there is life, there is essential beauty. Genuine beauty, which fills the soul, is an indication of life, and genuine ugliness, which blasts the soul, is an indication of morbidity.—But prettiness is opposed to beauty. I know that, first and foremost,we must be sensitive to life and to its movements. If there is power, it must be sensitive power."
"I know we must take up the responsibility for the future, now. A great change is coming, and must come. What we need is some glimmer of a vision of a world that shall be, beyond the change. Otherwise we shall be in for a great débâcle. What is alive, and open, and active, is good. All that makes for inertia, lifelessness, dreariness, is bad. This is the essence of morality. What we should live for is life and the beauty of aliveness, imagination, awareness, and contact. To be perfectly alive is to be immortal. I know these things, along with other things. And it is nothing very new to know these things. The only new thing would be to act on them."