Assembly Square Infill and Small Developments | Somerville

God how much nicer the views of that area would be if those GD smokestacks were gone!! The giant windmill I can excuse, but I LOATHE the 1800's Industrial Revolution-era look of the stacks! Tear the ones not in use down and can't they disguise the others to look like buildings with a little structure and faux-windows around them?
God how much nicer the views of that area would be if those GD smokestacks were gone!! The giant windmill I can excuse, but I LOATHE the 1800's Industrial Revolution-era look of the stacks! Tear the ones not in use down and can't they disguise the others to look like buildings with a little structure and faux-windows around them?

You’re in luck.
I don't mind the look of the smoke stacks actually. With the casino, windmill, and those stacks it does have a wacky theme park vibe though... I'd be on board with a redevelopment like the Domino sugar factory in Brooklyn. Convert the office block to housing and integrate the stacks into some infill with a showcase roof garden or whatever.

domino-sugar-factory-1 (1).jpg
God how much nicer the views of that area would be if those GD smokestacks were gone!! The giant windmill I can excuse, but I LOATHE the 1800's Industrial Revolution-era look of the stacks! Tear the ones not in use down and can't they disguise the others to look like buildings with a little structure and faux-windows around them?

Amen. Smokestack = Fossil Fuel Soot

I know there is nostalgia, but........
This is where I'd again make the plea that the DCR offer to sell or do a 100-year lease on the strip of dirt on the north side of the railroad tracks for the construction of 6 stories of car-free or car-minimal apartments
- They won't block anyone's view (its mostly garage-levels on the south side)
- They could proffer two new T-station accesses (tying in opposite today's exits)
- THey could offer public restrooms/shelter for soccer users
- Residents themselves would enliven the park (currently a bit of a windswept barrens)
[Edited to clarify "car-free" or "car-minimal"]
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