Atlantic Wharf (née Russia Wharf) | Atlantic Ave | Waterfront

Re: Russia Wharf

Re: Russia Wharf



I take this today so you see what I see here.
Re: Russia Wharf

Nice photos bostonbred!

I think you may have found your niche here after all! :D
Re: Russia Wharf

Thanku. I try to find my place, not to talk about changing of guard, which I STILL think is good. or not talk just about, like, you know "precasst sucks", or ballwash, or 'ono, more alhobonding". Smarter posters/spellers do that better then me.
Re: Russia Wharf

Everytime i see pics of it, even in the black and white ones, i get fooled by that IC reflection. Looks like we have twin towers. It looks so good, best project since 45 providence [although really the only haha].
Re: Russia Wharf


And Bostonbred, nice shots. Remember that pictures speak a thousand words. You might want to check out ablarc's photo essays.
Re: Russia Wharf

I have to chime in here too Bostonbred, very nice photographs indeed. I love black and white which seems to elevate the importance of the subject matter. You have a strong visual sense which is your voice, and it is an eloquent voice at that. I look forward to more of your photographs.
Re: Russia Wharf

Those windows are probably much more energy efficient. I say that having no clue as to what they are really doing, but really, why else would you install new windows for your entire building?

Also, does anyone know if the developers of Russia Wharf are extending the Harbor Walk park further out along their property, maybe to line up with the Intercontinental Hotel "park"?
Re: Russia Wharf

Boston02124, once again, your photos are just terrific, be they color or B&W. I have to laugh that Boss Menino gets his name prominantly displayed on this building since he is running for unprecedented re-election. I suppose Mumbles will want a statue of himself erected in front of the finished product. It's pure ballsy on his part.
Re: Russia Wharf

thanks ,they stopped cleaning the windows at 99 high st since they started to replace them so the pix's look dirty!
Re: Russia Wharf

^I knew that sign was goning to generate some comments!
Re: Russia Wharf

I'm guessing this is part of the pissing contest between him and Chiofaro.

As if to say, "See! I AM pro-development! Just not yours. Pffft!"
Re: Russia Wharf

I havent taken any in a while. I think I will take some today.

I am in 185 franklin street so I get a pretty descent view of the construction . . .
Re: Russia Wharf

I just noticed this but in the first photo of the two pictures posted by Boston02124, it looks like the ICH is under construction. Cool effects.
Re: Russia Wharf

^again great nite pix! some from this week-end
