Atlantic Wharf (née Russia Wharf) | Atlantic Ave | Waterfront

Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

Got Harassed by the police this morning.

ha ha so this morning.
I am walking to work. I take my camera out of my bag. A Federal Reserve Bank Police Officer looks at me and sees that I am taking out my camera.
He says. Can I help you ? I say Defensive tone. "No can I help you" So I start to point my camera across the street to photograph the new Russia Wharf / Atlantic Wharf project.
He says. "Don't even take pictures of the Federal Reserve Building" So I tell him. Um was my camera even pointing to your building ?
He says "No" so then I said Don't worry about it then man"
So he proceeds to say. I just don't want you to take pics of the Federal Reserve Building"
I proceeded to tell him. Don't worry about it pal. then I told him to F himself.
Ha Ha Ha.
I would not have said that to a regular cop believe me. But this guy was a straight up jerk.
So he says in a sarcastic tone have a good day sir. then he and his partner were talking about me as I was walking away - Great Start to my day............

See this:
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

is it illegal to take pictures of the Fed? I can understand if you were on their property, and i know people cant go in the gov't center garage to take pictures. but as long as you are not on the property is there really anything they can do (legally? since i would not be surprised if they took the camera anyway just to make you go through the hassle of getting it back.)

You should sit on a bench on the greenway, eat clover, and just snap photos from across the street til they come out. Then just say you are enjoying the beautiful greenway.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

well turns out I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

There was apparently a woman in the front of the building who was taking several pics of the building after being asked serveral times not to take the pics.

And as they were taking down her name and information thats when I was taking out my gear.

So I was sort of in the wrong place at the wrong time. There was already tension and so it sort of snowballed and again I was in the wrong place. wrong time.

Oh well. . . .
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

Seems to me that since this person has no authority to ask you to stop taking pictures, you should entirely ignore him -- as in, act as if he doesn't even exist.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

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Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

I have the most peculiar urge to go take pictures of the federal reserve building.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

You can take all the pics of the fed you want, as long as you are not standing on fed property.

You cannot, however, record the fed building with audio, due to a misused law that has not been removed from the books.

If a security guard tells you to stop, inform him that you are standing on public ground, and he has no jurisdiction. The security guard may try to make threats, but there is nothing he can do.

If an actual cop tells you to stop, then unfortunately, he may misuse his power by pulling out some bogus charge, like obstructing traffic. Your best bet is to have a witness with you.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

no snipers on the roof here
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

Thanks to the Greenway the Fed now has 150% more suburban landscaping moat.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

I gotta be honest 02124, I can't even find the building in that pic
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

lol! it's the antenna in the center! I knew I'd be called out on this one!
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

Got Harassed by the police this morning.

ha ha so this morning.
I am walking to work. I take my camera out of my bag. A Federal Reserve Bank Police Officer looks at me and sees that I am taking out my camera.
He says. Can I help you ? I say Defensive tone. "No can I help you" So I start to point my camera across the street to photograph the new Russia Wharf / Atlantic Wharf project.

At this point why wouldnt you just tell him what you were doing, you probably would have had a positive conversation after that, poor guy was just doing his job and what he is asked and trained to do.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

I've been working on this project... really enjoying the way the Intercontinental works with the building. When this is finalized, I think we're going to really come to enjoy this building.



Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

Eh, I think it looks rather dull next to the Intercontinental, particularly from that angle. As much as the IC represents a sort of gauche corporate glitz, it has a certain appeal: it looks like it consists of rippling, billowing sails of glass. Atlantic Wharf looks like a dead box by comparison.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

I think this building looks ok in isolation but pretty poor when taking in the whole skyline.
Full disclosure: I did not feel this way until I read Ablarc's post a while back on the dangers of utilizing colossal order.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

^ That's what bugs me about this project the most. I can't help but compare it to NYC's Hearst Tower, up against which it inevitably fails, hard.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

Full disclosure: I did not feel this way until I read Ablarc's post a while back on the dangers of utilizing colossal order.

An interesting thought from ablarc that I apparently missed.

The grid bothers me too, because it expresses a structural system that does not really exist. Here is a building that looks like an example of high-tech expressionism (in the tradition of Norman Foster) but is actually a garden-variety glass curtain-wall structure.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

We know there's an office/hotel lobby called "Town Square."

Maybe a Starbucks.

Here's one trial balloon from earlier this year...

15,000 sf of first floor space for Boston Society of Architects retail space, public space and multimedia space, 15,000 sf for BSA office, museum.

That's a substantial amount of space on the 1st floor.

Has anyone see any floorplans or other descriptions of street level interactions along Congress and Atlantic? Is FP Channel side heavily landscaped with raised berms to support hotel like the Intercontinental, or better?

Ok so I checked the base building CD's from 2008. I only have the Tufts building (channel to the atrium) floor plan, but it showed 3 retail spaces. Retail #5, Retail #6, & Retail #6. Yes 6 is there twice but not connected at all to each other (typo?.) Retail #5 & 6 (a) were quite small spaces suitable for a Starbucks or DD style tenant, while Retail #6 was sizable. It took the entire frontage along the channel and wrapped a bit around the corner of Congress Street. Mayhaps the S&W spot.

Hopefully that means the other footprints would hold 4 other retail spots. The center square or whatever they called it, was central with no frontage (wasted) along any streets, just access corridors/entrances.

How accurate those still are is anyones guess.
