Atlantic Wharf (née Russia Wharf) | Atlantic Ave | Waterfront

Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)


Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

The grid bothers me too, because it expresses a structural system that does not really exist. Here is a building that looks like an example of high-tech expressionism (in the tradition of Norman Foster) but is actually a garden-variety glass curtain-wall structure.

Wannabe Lake Shore Drive?
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

^^ Not sure. Is there a particular building you're referring to?
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

Mies made an artistic decision to link these and other towers (i.e. the Seagram Building) to the architecture of Classical Antiquity.

From Wikipedia:
One of the style's characteristic traits was to express or articulate the structure of buildings externally. It was a style that argued that the functional utility of the building?s structural elements when made visible, could supplant a formal decorative articulation; and more honestly converse with the public, than any system of applied ornamentation. A building's structural elements should be visible, Mies thought. The Seagram Building, like virtually all large buildings of the time, was built of a steel frame, from which non-structural glass walls were hung. Mies would have preferred the steel frame to be visible to all; however, American building codes required that all structural steel be covered in a fireproof material, usually concrete, because improperly protected steel columns or beams may soften and fail in confined fires. Concrete hid the structure of the building ? something Mies wanted to avoid at all costs ? so Mies used non-structural bronze-toned I-beams to suggest structure instead. These are visible from the outside of the building, and run vertically, like mullions, surrounding the large glass windows.

The hacks at CBT have tried here to replicate the structural rhythms of Norman Fosters Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, with a less than desirable result.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

The original concept was so much better:

Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

The original concept was so much better:

I'm going to disagree with you on this one joebos, the original concept looked like a giant refrigeration unit. What we have now, although not the greatest, is still superior to the original concept. IMO.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

I agree with Meadowhawk, but I think the colors of the original would work much better on what we have now.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

I agree with u both! last week adding some green(roof) crappy phone pix!
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

out on the harbor
walking to South Station
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf) the superscaled grid will be extended to the roof...didn't know that.

PS. I like te jumble of buildings in that first pic!
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

Great shots Boston 02124. Thanks for posting them.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

the base in the last pix reminds me of the stone and webster building on summer st
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

Sorry, not a great photo. From 25 Channel Center.

Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)




The wind was absolutely brutal yesterday. It didn't come out in my pics, but a a loooong piece of orange caution tape (or something like that) was flying around from the top of the old facade. It appeared to be caught in an updraft and was long enough to reach the height of the Intercontinental.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

Work Has begun on the Fort Point Channel Side for a waterfront park it appears.

And they will carry the same brick pattern as the Intercontinental

But will start with a pic of the Rear Entrance

Pergola or whatever you call it

Had to stick my camera through the fence for this shot.

Not one of my best shots. I was gonna edit it but ran out of time.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

I really can't decide whether I like this building or not. That's probably because when I look at it from the side I kinda like it, but then why I see it from straight on from the water, it just doesn't look attractive to me at all.

I'll be interested to see what that area looks like when they finish up the small park area outside.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

I like it...I think it would be better if it were sandwiched between other buildings of similar design though. It's too prominent yet not tall enough.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

I like the overall shape of it, the gentle slopes, but the execution is too fussy for me. It wants to be modernist yet it wears too much jewelry.

It should also be much taller, that would help.
