Atlantic Wharf (née Russia Wharf) | Atlantic Ave | Waterfront

Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

If they just showed a little restraint rather than covering the exterior with extraneous crap, the tower could have actually looked quite elegant I think. Instead it looks like an architectural Pontiac Aztec.

The ground-level is shaping up to be pretty fantastic though. This development is doing a lot right.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

yeah its a nice building.
a good friend of mine who builds cubicles is working 11PM - 7AM to put the cubicles in.
Whoever is moving in wants this job done yesterday and they want it done right.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

I look forward to when it's lit up at nite,whats the opening day?
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

It just keeps getting better, IMO. It's a great building, I really like it. Can't wait to see some other colors on it at night (I assume its fiber optic or whatever, like the Zakim).
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

Co-sign Briv. More abstract and simple woulda done this a whole world better.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

The Aztek? that's an extremely harsh comparison, and while I'm not hot on the building, I don't think it deserves that kind of derision. The Aztek is a worst-case scenario...

Instead I'd suggest the frumpy, awkwardly-proportioned 2010 Subaru Legacy.
(Subaru, what happened to you? Your cars have become increasingly ugly and at the same time less quirky... are you trying to out-Toyota Toyota or something? Because that's not a game you can win at....same goes for VW--focus on your core strengths!)
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

There are so many things to like about this building, but yes, I would have to agree it went overboard on the gimmicks. Since we are comparing this building to cars I would say it was an Edsel.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

I see a large Ronsonol Table Lighter, circa 1980, @ Studio 54.

Flip top, electric ignition.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

I was in White Plains NY last week and these twin building's made me think. this is how Atlantic whf. would look like with height, I did'nt have time to get a better pix
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

Actually, those ARE about the same height as Atlantic Wharf! ~400'

They look taller because they are residential, and thus have higher floor counts. I think they might 20-30' taller at best. Speaking of which, does anybody actually have an official height for Atlantic Wharf? I have asked this numerous times, to silence. It looks like a solid 400' to the top of the crown (same to the spire, which doesn't appear to eclipse the front of the crown). I remember seeing 395' back in the day, but that was also a completely different design.
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

here's some more from that day,they(4 Buildings)looked taller with nothing to compare them too,the 2 glass one's are 39 res. storie's in height,and most everything else was 1-15 stories tall,
Seaport 2016?
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)


^This looks like the Hancock after Shaddow Nimbys saw it in half...
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

^^ Cool Pic
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

Very cool indeed!
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

The entire roof cornice box was illuminated with bright white light tonight. Unfortunately no camera on hand, and I drove by very quick. It did look cool with the low clouds drifting over the light, but didn't have time to look long. It was super bright though... kind of reminded me of a giant SAD light box. Couldn't Boston use some light therapy?

I'll try to bring a camera tomorrow and post (presuming it's lit again).
Re: Atlantic Wharf (formerly Russia Wharf)

I want to re-photograph it when its not cloudy. The clouds ruined it IMHO.
