Atlantic Wharf (née Russia Wharf) | Atlantic Ave | Waterfront

Re: Russia Wharf

Thanks for checking in.

My sympathies to you and your co-workers.
Re: Russia Wharf

Thanks for stopping in and keeping us updated when Im sure you have a lot of other things to worry about, we really appreciate it.

My condolances to you and your coworkers. This is a tragedy.
Re: Russia Wharf

Thanks for checking in.
our sympathies go out to you and your co-workers.
may your Co-worker Rest in Peace.

our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time.
Re: Russia Wharf

Many sympathies to you and your co-workers.
Re: Russia Wharf

Thanks for checking in. My sympathies to your coworker and his family.
Re: Russia Wharf

Boston Properties nears Russia Wharf
Boston Properties Inc. is less than two months away from closing in on a $300 million loan for the construction of Russia Wharf.

The 854,000-square-foot project, which is under way in Boston?s Financial District, is one of the few projects in Boston that has been able to move forward it what has been an exceedingly difficult time to finance large-scale developments.

?We are electing to place construction financing on the Russia Wharf project,? said Bryan J. Koop, senior vice president and regional manager of Boston Properties, in an e-mailed statement. ?We are well into the process and would expect to close over the next 30 to 45 days.?

The Bank of New York has been soliciting lenders on behalf of Boston Properties (NYSE: BXP) to participate in a loan for more than $300 million. There are reportedly at least five lenders in addition to the Bank of New York that have agreed to the loan, according to a source close to the deal. At one point Wells Fargo was originally one of the lenders involved but dropped out or was eliminated from the group due to unfavorable terms.

While the market for construction financing has tightened, Russia Wharf was helped by the fact that it is 82 percent preleased to Wellington Capital Management. Lenders have reportedly become more comfortable with the project since Boston Properties decided to eliminate the residential component of the project and replace it with additional office space.

The office and retail project has been under construction for a year and steel is expected to rise from the construction site in the next month.
Re: Russia Wharf

The observation area at independence wharf was closed, the guard told me they were doing some construction and it should reopen in a few days.

It got me thinking, how did the city get them to provide an observation area with generous hours and 24/7 bathrooms?

Why dont other buildings have these provisions included?









Re: Russia Wharf

Always cool to see the steel going up! thanks for the pix's
Re: Russia Wharf

whats a 24/7 bathroom? aren't all bathrooms open all day?

The JCdecaux public bathrooms (25 cents) close at 9 or 10pm

The ones inside the pru also close at around that time.

I dont know if any other public bathrooms in this city open all night (there are semipublic ones in hotels of course)
Re: Russia Wharf

from yesterday 02/16

Re: Russia Wharf

Pardon my ignorance . . .

It appears (from the adjacent sidewalks and from these pictures) that this 'central' concrete work is sprouting up a bit faster than normal.

By this I mean that there seems to be a substantial footprint of the building that has not risen above street level . . . specifically, the space between this concrete 'core' and the supported facade walls that, presumably, will define the outside edges of the structure.

Is this a normal practice (having casually observed many buildings being built over the years it does not seem that any portion ever SOARS more than a few floors above the rest of it)?
Re: Russia Wharf

By this summer we should finally see the steel rising on the skyline,at least its still being built! It would have been nice to see Columbus Center,1 Franklin,Kensington,TNP,SST,ect cranes going on at the same time! At least we have somethingRW,BMI,MGH,MFA ect,other cities have nothing!
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Re: Russia Wharf

Pardon my ignorance . . .

It appears (from the adjacent sidewalks and from these pictures) that this 'central' concrete work is sprouting up a bit faster than normal.

By this I mean that there seems to be a substantial footprint of the building that has not risen above street level . . . specifically, the space between this concrete 'core' and the supported facade walls that, presumably, will define the outside edges of the structure.

Is this a normal practice (having casually observed many buildings being built over the years it does not seem that any portion ever SOARS more than a few floors above the rest of it)?

Ive seen buildings with cores 10 floors above the steel.

I dont think its even an architectural thing, but perhaps the steel delivery is late but they have concrete on hand, so why not?
Re: Russia Wharf

well, im pretty clueless when it comes to this stuff, but maybe they are trying to get the core up to the same height as the older facade?
Re: Russia Wharf

Heres a recent example (2 years ago)




Re: Russia Wharf

Yeah, they let the core get pretty tall before they even started the steel for Comcast Center.


Re: Russia Wharf

I wish we had that instead of TNP. Simple yet, amazing. It's almost like a box as it has a flat roof but not at the same time.
