AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

I LOVE the way this building wraps around and looms over Jacob Wirth. Makes a small, charming, out of place building even more small, charming and out of place.

MOAR SHOTZ OF THIS! (no I'm not obsessed, I just happen to be in the Common almost every day now)


Nice shots...you're right about the lighting, that looks great
+1 - With the old in the foreground, new in the background and the weather and lighting...think we have a contender here!

P.S. I love the architecture of some of the homes in that area of the South End.
+1 - With the old in the foreground, new in the background and the weather and lighting...think we have a contender here!

P.S. I love the architecture of some of the homes in that area of the South End.

I'm fairly sure that photo was taken from Beacon Hill.

Beautiful picture, thank you for sharing! I was taking some photos of the sunset last night as well and started getting rained on...
Yeah you are right. I was thinking Rutland area but the skyline is clearly from BH angle.
I'm fairly sure that photo was taken from Beacon Hill.

Beautiful picture, thank you for sharing! I was taking some photos of the sunset last night as well and started getting rained on...

Yep, Beacon Hill! Got some cool shots last night for sure - then it started sprinkling again. Glad you guys enjoy them.
