AvalonBay Tower (Jacob Wirth's) | 45 Stuart Street | Downtown

I think the two Stuart Street facing facades are going to be the key here. I'm thinking glass here, but the renderings aren't terribly clear.
Plain vanilla pre-cast, no definition. Cheap looking glazing. Blah spandrels. What's left to save this building?
What's left to save this building?

Solid massing. The buildings shape is unique enough that as long as the facade treatment isn't outstandingly terrible, it will be decent.

Also, it blocks the Kensington from view from several angles.
I had the chance to see this up close as well as analyze its presence in the skyline from many different angles. It's too soon to tell with the glass although the spandrel is dark, which is good. We need unassuming over garish here. The pattern looks really neat from the river. I am cautiously optimistic this one might turn out as high as a 6-7 out of 10.
Isn't is sad when one of the best things you can say about a building is that it hides the view of an even uglier one.
Particularly when there is nothing to block the appearance of this one. The Kensington was always going to be a background building. Who spends money on a signature facade that largely goes unseen?
Why is that seamus? Because of the brownish-grey color I assuming? From that bit with the glass installed I actually don't hate it. Boring and similar to seemingly dozens of Boston's buildings yes, but terrible? I'd say not
My only problem with this so far is that I can still see the Kensington.
Didn't say it was a problem. Just looks a lot like one of the buildings over there that I do not know the name of.

The one at Congress, Water, Devonshire.

It will lose this effect when glass and the rest of the finishes are in place.

At this time in history, It brings that to my mind.
It's alright-- nothing special, nothing horrendous. Is the promised crown going to be taller than the structure we can currently see? If so, I look forward to that. If not... meh.
It looks to me like there's room for exactly two more of those vertical 3-story panels. I bet they go right to the top of the crown and stop- I agree that it's a little disappointing. The area could use the added plateau-breaker.

From what I could see through the netting on the Longfellow/RL yesterday, the "random" facade pattering looks surprisingly good. Probably the best execution of it thus far in the city.
From what I could see through the netting on the Longfellow/RL yesterday, the "random" facade pattering looks surprisingly good. Probably the best execution of it thus far in the city.

+1 It looks pretty good from the river.
