Berklee Expansion Plans | Back Bay

Could you design a more boring highrise?


What happened to William Rawn?

Is that supose to be an accurate drawing? I count more than 16 stories. It seems tall, more like 20 stories.
Is that supose to be an accurate drawing? I count more than 16 stories. It seems tall, more like 20 stories.

I count 18, after at first counting 16 like you did. (Look at the upper left, two small top floors alongside those blank walls)
I count 18, after at first counting 16 like you did. (Look at the upper left, two small top floors alongside those blank walls)

They did a fully enclosed and masked two story mechanical penthouse so that a task force member who lives across the street wouldn't have to hear or see (and think she hears) machinery. Subject of great debate at one of the meetings.
No one suggested a scrim wall? That's going to be one massively top heavy building on the skyline.

In the rendering I can almost picture a billboard being plastered on it.
No one suggested a scrim wall? That's going to be one massively top heavy building on the skyline.

In the rendering I can almost picture a billboard being plastered on it.

It could be William Rawn's F-U to the city, similar to Johnson's International Place Palladian window debacle. In reality, that box is the ONLY thing this city and its pathetic vocal citizens will approve (re: bbfen's post). At least it will get built.
why not put fake windows up there, to make it at least look like these are occupied floors?

unfortunately, this slightly evokes Mass. Eye & Ear in my mind.
No one suggested a scrim wall? That's going to be one massively top heavy building on the skyline.

In the rendering I can almost picture a billboard being plastered on it.

I'm sorry but Rawn designs for shit. There's not a single building of his I like in Boston. And this is his penultimate piece of shit. Loft windows and reflective copperish cladding? He is the ultimate ironic hipster of shit hipster ironic architects. A billboard would IMPROVE this toilet turd.
If that's metal panel and not masonry veneer the building is going to be a glare producing version of the box on Summer Street behind Winthrop Square.

What a shame for a prominent building. A miserable evolution of Symphony Towers without the awful plazas and bizarre grade separation of retail.
Poor mcdonalds. Their boston locations have dropped like flies.
It was gone when I was taking pics last weekend, but Arirang House next door was still open.
Arirang House closed for good on Aug. 15 :(
Oh, well RIP then. They were a staple of my diet during my Berklee days, unlike the cruddy McD's next door.
Can't wait until this bad boy is built. Its going to bring major street energy to arguably the intersection of Boston.
So is someone gonna photoshop in all the projects in this part of the skyline and completely jinx it?
