Berklee Expansion Plans | Back Bay

Driving down mass ave from newbury the floors look like theyre slanted (i know theyre not)
Wonder if the schedule is slipping. Day 7 in a row of construction from 7AM until after dusk plus Friday it went until midnight and they've had Mass Ave blocked off all weekend.
The not only switched the view, they moved the cam, and not just across the street.







So the restoration of the brick building across the street has been put on hold? They removed the cornice and it doesn't appear they have any intention on putting back. Does anyone know what's happening with this?
Fireproofing the lower levels. Hopefully they'll be doing glass and cladding soon, I really want to see this building finish up. I love the effect is has on Mass Ave, it feels completely different from how it did a year ago walking down there.


Already up to about 12 storeys now. I agree with you're statement about how different it makes that stretch feel. For a lot of these ongoing projects I see the pictures posted here, then I see the projects in person, and don't feel a whole lot different. This is one for which the photos (at least for me) don't seem to do justice. It's just amazing how big this thing feels, and not just in terms of it's actual size, but in more qualitative ways too. I suppose one could say presence or something, and I think it has to do with the way the multi-storey space is cut away on the southern corner.
I can't think of many buildings in Central Boston more worthy of trashing than this and the Midtown Hotel.
Yea I have absolutely no idea why that building isn't in line to get absolutely smashed up. It's the perfect location for any form of development except for a roadside motel fit for rural New Mexico.
This thing is starting to dominate the area.





Thanks for the update, GW. Looks like it has 3 or 4 more floors to go.
This building is now highly visible when approaching downtown via Mass Pike Eastbound.
