Beth Israel West Campus Inpatient Building | 111 Francis St | Longwood

The 29-story component of Joslin Center was residential. The Joslin Clinic was hoping to finance additional research space in a 7-10 story podium with an apartment tower that they intended to lease for 99 years to Harvard Medical School. The Windsor School was influential blocking the proposal, and then the bottom fell out of the economy.

Fast-forward a few years: Joslin sold its permitted site to a private developer who rebranded the project Longwood Center. DFCI, my former employer, is the anchor tenant.

The residential capacity needed by a growing HMS is housed at Trilogy and Mosaic.

Thanks for refreshing my cloudy memory, here. Fair and well: between the lab tower, Mosaic and Trilogy, that's a lot of density.
This building is so stereotypical Payette too. I didn't even have to see the architect's name on the slides to know who did it.
Love that massive mockup. Shows how much Payette truly cares about the facade composition. They are a very thoughtful design firm.
Theres barely any open space left in Longwood, pretty cool how theyre squeezing this in there. The render looks great too, huge upgrade vs whats there.
Apologies if I am asking a dumb question, but I thought slurry rigs were used when the underlying soil was a lot of muck vs straight to bedrock. Am I wrong or is this area a lot of muck / fill before you hit bedrock?
