What's Mystic Pier?
The Charles River dam ought to be able to protect that portal from sea level rise. And even if climate change does end up causing heavier rain storms, it seems that we also have efforts being made to help the Muddy River drain more effectively.
The current prediction for Boston harbor is for a tide 15.1-15.6 feet above mean low low water at midnight March 3, with two foot waves. These excursions will produce moderate to major flooding.
Am I the only one who is impressed with NSTAR with regards to power outages.
Yes, because NSTAR officially hasn't existed now for several years. You are impressed with a dissolved entity, a non-being--which, existentially speaking, I don't think is even possible, per Heidegger et al. You may want to consider seeking help from a mental-health professional... before the abyss stares back at you.
http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/20...cent-storms/keamav0oVsck3j78F0JOmO/story.htmlIn raw numbers, the storms on Jan. 4 and March 2 produced the first- and third-highest sea levels recorded since 1825, the documents indicate. Factoring in rising seas and sinking land levels, the storms rank slightly lower — as the fourth- and eighth-highest storm tides, researchers said.
Am I the only one who is impressed with NSTAR with regards to power outages. They seem to do a bang up job on all of the communities that they service. National Grid on the other hand leaves much to be desired.