Boston Landing | New Balance Complex | Brighton

Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Nice to see this beefing up. I see this area being very active when all said and done. Really Allston/Brighton is very active to begin with, even on side it's streets, and then this will create another destination between Allston Center and Brighton. It might eventually create an area to socialize in that goes from Allston Center to New Balance with very little break in the action. Also do we have another thread about this train station or any info on it? Man I love/miss Allston.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Very little information is available on the station. I've heard nothing of any work yet on it.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Up to the third floor. Now I get to watch the crane AND dudes taking dumps all day...

I'm still amazed my eight year old point and shoot has such a good zoom.

For you guys with real cameras: I've got full manual control on mine (the main reason I bought it), and am pretty damned good working in low light conditions, but suck in the day. What settings do you use against a bright sky? I've been playing around with different aperture and F-stop settings, but either the sky is washed out bright or the foreground is really dark. I'd love for the crane to actually be red in my zoomed out pics instead of black. Advice?
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Cranes, bras and dudes taking dumps... sir, your view has everything!

As for your camera, on a cloudy day like that there isn't a chance in hell of even the nicest camera getting everything exposed properly. Either the foreground looks good and the sky is washed out white, or you have pretty cloud details and the foreground is black. That's just the limits of the "dynamic range," and not even the most expensive camera in the world comes close to the dynamic range of the human eye. And it's in that void where HDR imagery comes in, combining multiple shots at varying exposure levels to create one image with a "high dynamic range."
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Cranes, bras and dudes taking dumps... sir, your view has everything!

As for your camera, on a cloudy day like that there isn't a chance in hell of even the nicest camera getting everything exposed properly. Either the foreground looks good and the sky is washed out white, or you have pretty cloud details and the foreground is black. That's just the limits of the "dynamic range," and not even the most expensive camera in the world comes close to the dynamic range of the human eye. And it's in that void where HDR imagery comes in, combining multiple shots at varying exposure levels to create one image with a "high dynamic range."

Dont forget the Worcester line! Believe it or not though, this is the boring side of my house. Looking out the back is a fire juggling toupe that practices all summer, a couple that...erm... doesn't believe in shades, and a house full of townies that have pretty hilarious block parties. I'm never moving.

Thanks for the photo advice. If I could ever find the adapter for my tripod (make that THREE tripods, lost all the adapters), I would play around with HDR. I think I'm just screwed because of the south exposure. For most of these shots I brace myself against the window frame, but there is still too much variance to line them up well.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Dont forget the Worcester line! Believe it or not though, this is the boring side of my house. Looking out the back is a fire juggling toupe that practices all summer, a couple that...erm... doesn't believe in shades, and a house full of townies that have pretty hilarious block parties. I'm never moving.

Thanks for the photo advice. If I could ever find the adapter for my tripod (make that THREE tripods, lost all the adapters), I would play around with HDR. I think I'm just screwed because of the south exposure. For most of these shots I brace myself against the window frame, but there is still too much variance to line them up well.

I'm pretty sure you meant to write "troupe", but laughed my ass off imagining a "fire juggling toupe."
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

^according to my girlfriend, the second one has been around for a while, but was being used on the parking garage. I feel like I would have seen it, but who knows. Has anyone else noticed a second red crane before this week?
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

A little confused here, which of the buildings are under construction?

Based on the pictures it looks like the HQ building and maybe the hotel?

Also is the sports complex under construction?

I understand the other 2 office buildings are later, just trying to figure out what is being developed right now.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Very interesting day for construction. Most of last week was spent pouring floors, installing diagonal bracing, and beefing up the east end where the cantelever will be (lots of odd shaped pieces of steel). Not much progress to see.

Today however, they are installing what have to be 20, or even 25' high steel beams for the third floor. I've got to go back to the PNF and see whats going on with this space, because its really, really, really tall. There is also a huge diagonal bracket you can see, slightly obscured by my neighbors porch. It seems they are going at a breakneck pace as well; way more workers than I've been seeing, and as one crane is being loaded up with steel on the ground the other is hoisting another load into place.



Watching these guys scoot around with the beams blowing in circles in the wind, its amazing they don't get knocked in the head.

Edit: It's even more amazing than I thought. I've been watching them a while, and the guy on the right just lost his grip on a beam, which went spinning. The guy on the left dove down and hugged the beam he was sitting on as the spinning one smashed into the column behind him. Then he grabbed it and they went on like everything was normal. Crazyness.
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Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

I saw four I-beams heading west through BU on trucks last week. About 50' long and at least 6' high. Absolutely huge. Were they for this project? I can't think on anything else that direction capable of using beams that big.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

I hereby dub this man Mr. Badass:

This beam is giving them a ton of trouble to install. Theyve been working on it for almost an hour:

What's kind of cool is between todays heavy air and the distance, I don't hear the sledgehammer hit until he's winding up for the next shot

Oh damn, I won't be able to see St E's anymore =(
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Haha, nice little series. And my goodness, the first shot sure hearkens back to that famous Iwo Jima image.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Very interesting day for construction. Most of last week was spent pouring floors, installing diagonal bracing, and beefing up the east end where the cantelever will be (lots of odd shaped pieces of steel). Not much progress to see.

Today however, they are installing what have to be 20, or even 25' high steel beams for the third floor. I've got to go back to the PNF and see whats going on with this space, because its really, really, really tall. There is also a huge diagonal bracket you can see, slightly obscured by my neighbors porch. It seems they are going at a breakneck pace as well; way more workers than I've been seeing, and as one crane is being loaded up with steel on the ground the other is hoisting another load into place.



Watching these guys scoot around with the beams blowing in circles in the wind, its amazing they don't get knocked in the head.

Edit: It's even more amazing than I thought. I've been watching them a while, and the guy on the right just lost his grip on a beam, which went spinning. The guy on the left dove down and hugged the beam he was sitting on as the spinning one smashed into the column behind him. Then he grabbed it and they went on like everything was normal. Crazyness.

You need a certain amount of crazy to be an ironworker. My father in law is, and obviously fits the bill. Through him I have run into a number of others, and they aside from generally being great guys, have that craziness in them. I may be overly tough on unions, but I will say that the word Brotherhood has never been applied better than to these guys.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

what is going in that second level that the floor height is 2-3 times a normal floor height? Can't be the Olympic-size hockey rink, can it? Swimming pool?
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

what is going in that second level that the floor height is 2-3 times a normal floor height? Can't be the Olympic-size hockey rink, can it? Swimming pool?

Looking through the PNF, it appears this is where the cruise-ship part starts, and it's just a really tall floor (the "Terrace" level). Page 76 shows it pretty well, as do the preceding sections and elevations. On most of the project documents, the first two levels below it are counted as only one, the intermediate floor is a parking mezzanine. The next level up will be the "second floor".

Speaking to that, this thing is a lot larger than it looks on paper. They aren't even to the beginning of the four office levels and it's already taller than my house. Including mechanical, It looks like at least 130'. My previous eyeballing was also off, the Terrace level is 30' tall according to the PNF. I feel bad for the guys who have to change light bulbs.

The Tardis, this is not:
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