Boston Landing | New Balance Complex | Brighton

Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

She'll only do a few knots.

Hopefully it's more seaworthy than that Carnival poop cruise that was stranded out to sea for weeks. Allston might start to smell a little ripe.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

I don't even see a single life boat.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

The proportion of posts regarding cruise ships is getting just a bit overdone lol.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

The proportion of posts regarding cruise ships is getting just a bit overdone lol.

Looks like they didn't batten down the hatches for tonight ;-)

A bunch of the light framing around what I'm guessing will be the elevator core has broken off in the wind, and I can see stuff blowing around in the penthouse too.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Let's just hope there are no tractor trailers pulling icebergs down the Pike.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Guest Street's going to have a nice view when it's done:

Big sidewalk plaza in construction:

Inadvertent cycle track:
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Crappy pics from Mount Auburn

Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

From within the last week or so:



Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

How many smokestacks are they going to put on the roof of that thing? Three? Four? Four but the fourth one is a fake so it impresses people like the Titanic so people say "Wow! This trans-Atlantic oceanliner has FOUR fucking smokestacks. Sign me up!"
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex


Someone needs to bury power lines.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Someone needs to bury power lines.

Excellent point that you don't hear made very often. One of the major things that shocks many Germans (and probably some other Europeans) about the US is our above-ground power lines. They find it crazy that we subject ourselves to power outages from snow/icy rain because we haven't buried our power lines, something they did decades ago.

...And yet, I don't know that I've ever heard anyone in the US call for a systemic burying of power lines...
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Excellent point that you don't hear made very often. One of the major things that shocks many Germans (and probably some other Europeans) about the US is our above-ground power lines. They find it crazy that we subject ourselves to power outages from snow/icy rain because we haven't buried our power lines, something they did decades ago.

...And yet, I don't know that I've ever heard anyone in the US call for a systemic burying of power lines...

In cities it seems to be happening slowly. Part of the problem is we have such a massive country. seems like we should at least be able to do it in urban areas.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Private utility companies also own the poles and make a nice penny renting space to the other utilities.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Meh... the buried power lines in Allston often suffer outages while the overhead electrification holds up fine. Like yesterday.

There's a big NSTAR generator running on Brighton Ave right now, in front of Sunset.

The quality of the power line vaults really makes a big difference. And they're crap around here.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Concord has been burying their power lines. This is possible because it's a town-owned utility and in the 80s they got approval from the town residents for a 50 year plan to bury all lines. They approximately 50% done. Adds a buck or two to my monthly electric bill. While NSTAR, as an investor owned utility, will never have the motivation to spend money on a 50 year plan, I would imagine the Public Utility Commission could mandate this and price it into the rate structure so it is cost neutral for the power companies.
