Boston Landing | New Balance Complex | Brighton

Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

So this rink is now separate from the multi-purpose gym space, correct? Originally it was all going to be in one facility next to the parking garage but it seems they've carved out an entirely new spot for the dedicated Bruins space. Am I reading this right?
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

So this rink is now separate from the multi-purpose gym space, correct? Originally it was all going to be in one facility next to the parking garage but it seems they've carved out an entirely new spot for the dedicated Bruins space. Am I reading this right?

Correct, when they acquired that extra parcel recently they redid the whole plan. It is disappointing that they are nixing one of the office "towers" for it, however, the towers were not going to be built until they had a tenant. It now appears that the tall section of this building along Guest St will be built on spec. I think the last spec office building put up in Allston/Brighton is the ugly thing at the corner of Everett and Lincoln, by the looks of it sometime in the 70s/80s.

TL;DR, I'll sacrifice a bit of height for instant development gratification. 2016 is pretty ambitious, I wonder if they are just taking the existing contractors and having them move next door once finished with their part of the headquarters.

I have to say, for a skating building (which are really hard to not make ugly) this one is pretty nice. The window's over the pike should look really great driving by and from my 'hood. I do have to wonder if all this NB construction is going to spawn some of the industrial lots across the pike on Lincoln to get redeveloped. A decent chunk of triple deckers & 2 familys in my neighborhood are undergoing gut/rehabs at the moment (including the one in the majority of my pics). A two family right on the Pike is getting a huge rebuild too.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

The ugly thing at the intersection of Everett and Lincoln was the old Casey & Hayes warehouse that was rebuilt into a telecom hotel during the dot com boom. Unfortunately, it wasn't completed before things went bust, so it was left half-completed.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

^ davem is talking about the stock surburban, ribbon-windowed office building on the east side of Everett, which to my eyes looks very mid-1980s and as I recall is pretty run down looking inside (or at least the hallways are).
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Ah... I was blinded to it by the epic failure next door.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Everything I drive by this with a coworker or friend, they think that this was design to be a cruise ship
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Everything I drive by this with a coworker or friend, they think that this was design to be a cruise ship

I almost wish the finished product was intended to be some ambiguous Rorschach Test of the Pike diver's own mind as they cross into the city, instead of a shoe. That would be way more psychologically compelling justification for a giant Gateway to The City monument. Sort of a "What do you want your city to be today?...Let's ask the oracle!" subliminal moment as it looms out the corner of your eye.

It's fascinatingly evocative like that already in its unfinished form. I almost like driving the Pike through Allston these days for the experience of going past it.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

KZ you captured three forms of transportation in one picture, rail, bus, and cruise liner... Truly amazing

All kidding aside this is looking awesome
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

That lone black panel is still there on the bottom left of the above pic. It doesn't look temporary and has been there for a month or so. Any guesses? I am stumped!
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

That lone black panel is still there on the bottom left of the above pic. It doesn't look temporary and has been there for a month or so. Any guesses? I am stumped!

The spandrel panel probably broke or didn't fit, so it has to be fabricated again. That panel is very custom with all the angles.
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

Looks almost like a giant cruise ship!! :cool:
Re: New Brighton Landing | New Balance Complex

I feel like this thing is moving super slow.
